



    From the beginning of the 20th century, visual arts in Israel have shown a creative orientation influenced by the encounter between East and West, as well as by the land itself and its development, the character of the cities, and stylistic trends emanating from art centers abroad. In painting, sculpture, photography, and other art forms, the country’s varied landscape is the protagonist: the hill terraces and ridges produce special dynamics of line and shape; the foothills of the Negev, the prevailing grayish-green vegetation and the clear luminous light result in distinctive color effects; and the sea and sand affect surfaces. On the whole, local landscapes, concerns, and politics lie at the center of Israeli art and ensure its uniqueness.​


    • The Israel Children’s Museum in Holon invites children and parents to enjoy a unique creative experience – The Museum’s exhibitions encourage children to touch the objects, feel their textu ...
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    • he biennale of landscape urbanism is a continuation and expansion of a process taking place in Bat-Yam in recent years, which has focused on actual and perceived transformations via the upg ...
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    • The Umm el-Fahem Art Gallery was founded in 1996, on the initiative of local residents and artists who wanted to bring quality contemporary art to the city and its population and to exhibit ...
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    • Petach Tikva Museum of Art, established in 1964, is a museum of contemporary art, featuring works by Israeli and international artists in diverse media: painting, , photography, film, archi ...
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