The Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA)

The Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA)

    The Centre for Contemporary Art (a registered non-profit organization) was founded in 1998 to promote time-based and contemporary artistic practices in Israel. Since its establishment, Operating from a small room at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque, the centre has revived a positive and active spirit in the Israeli art scene and produced video-art and experimental cinema series and biennials. The CCA also maintains an archive of video pieces by Israeli and international artists, with works from the 1960s to the present. In November 2005 the CCA moved to its new building at the Rachel and Israel Pollak Gallery, Seminar Hakibbutzim College in the centre of Tel Aviv. The new premises enable the CCA to curate and produce exhibitions, projects, screenings, lectures and performances in its own place.

    Visit The CCA’s website