Kadınlara ve Çocuklara Yönelik Şiddeti Önleme

  •   Mashav ve Uluslararası Göç Örgütü İşbirliği ile düzenlecek olan "Kadınlara ve Çocuklara Yönelik Şiddeti Önleme" kursları 3 Haziran-14 Temmuz tarihleri arasında Hayfa'da gerçekleşecek.
    ​Mashav ve Uluslararası Göç Örgütü İşbirliği ile düzenlecek olan "Kadınlara ve Çocuklara Yönelik Şiddeti Önleme" kursları 3 Haziran-14 Temmuz tarihleri arasında Hayfa'da gerçekleşecek.
    International Workshop on
    Violence against Women and Children
    In cooperation with
    International Organization for Migration (IOM)
    3 June-14 June, 2013
    Haifa, Israel
    The Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Center (MCTC), Haifa
    MASHAV – Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation
    Over the past two decades more and more attention has been given to the issue of violence against women and children, starting with the Fourth World Conference in Beijing. In October, 2006 an in depth study was launched by the UN Secretary–General on all forms of violence against women. The study was very broad and shed light on the extent and prevalence of different forms and manifestations of violence against women. It also set the stage for initiating and continuing the necessary work at the national level in the field of violence against women.
    According to UNIFEM, violence against women and girls is of pandemic proportions. Based on the data available to them, 70% of women experience physical, psychological or sexual violence from men in their lifetime, the majority by partners or people they know.
    Participants will take part in two special video conferences with IOM experts:
    Violence against Migrant Women
    Ms. Sylvia Lopez-Ekra, Gender Officer,
    Gender Coordination Unit, IOM, Geneva
    Trafficking in Human Beings
    Mr. Anh Nguyen, Senior Regional Migrant
    Assistance Specialist, IOM, Vienna
    This 12-day workshop will allow participants to learn from the best practices in the areas of service provision, prevention, law and policy
    Tthe objectives of the workshop are to:
    Analyze social policy as it relates to prevention, tttreatment and rehabilitation
    Examine the theory and knowledge of various iiintervention models and techniques for developing aand managing services
    Discuss ways in which to engage men and boys in vviolence prevention programs
    Examine globally cross-cutting forms of violence such aas trafficking in human beings
    The program includes lectures, workshops and study visits that take a closer look at:
    ü An historical overview to get a better understanding of the environment in which violence occurs
    ü Developing and managing services; the multidisciplinary team; ethical and professional issues
    ü Intervention models and techniques for dealing with the victims and perpetrators of abuse
    ü Models of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
    ü Intervention in times of crisis in various forms of violence  
