
Bayram Tarihleri/Upcoming Holidays-2016

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    Bayram Tarihleri/Upcoming Holidays-2016


    2016, Due to the upcoming holidays, the Consular Department will be closed to the public on the following days: 
    2016 yılında Konsolosluğumuzun kapalı olduğu günler şunlardır:

    01/01 - Friday - New Year 

    22/04 - Friday - Passover (Half day)

    28/04 - Thursday - Passover (Half day)

    29/04 - Friday - Passover

    11/05 - Wednesday - Yom Ats. (Half day)

    12/05 - Thursday - Yom Ast.

    19/05 - Thursday - Youth & Sports Holiday

    13/06 - Monday - Shavuot

    04/07 - Monday - Ramadan (Half day)

    05-06-07/07 - Tuesday to Thursday - Ramadan

    30/08 - Tuesday - Victory Day

    03-04/09 - Rosh Hashana 

    12-13-14-15/09 - Monday to Thursday - Kurban

    11/10 - Tuesday - Yom Kippur (Half day)

    12/10 - Wednesday - Yom Kippur

    17-18/10 - Monday and Tuesday - Sukot

    24-25/10 - Monday and Tuesday - Simhat Tora

    28/10 - Friday - Republic Day




