
HK-Israel R&D Co-operation Programme launched

    To implement the Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation in industrial research and development signed between Israel and Hong Kong last year (our past post here), a Call for Proposals was issued on December 8, both in Hong Kong and Israel, to encourage joint projects to be financed by the two governments.
    The Cooperation Programme is jointly implemented by MATIMOP - the Israeli Industry Centre for R&D of the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Economy of Israel - and Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) under a bilateral framework to encourage industrial R&D collaboration and technology development between the two places.  
    Under the Cooperation Programme, Israeli and Hong Kong companies that are engaged in industrial R&D collaboration can apply for government funding, up to HK$10 million on a dollar-to-dollar matching basis, for their joint R&D projects.
    Applications for the Cooperation Programme are open all year round.
    Photo: At the launch reception: (from left) Mr Elad Goz, Israel’s Head of Economic & Trade Mission in Hong Kong, Ms Annie Choi, HKSAR Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas Yang, HKSAR Secretary for Innovation and Technology, and Mr Sagi Karni, Consul General of Israel in HK