2014 02 17 R&D MoU

Israel and Hong Kong sign R&D MoU

  • Photo: Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong
    Representing the Government of the State of Israel, Mr Sagi Karni, Consul General of the State of Israel in Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, today (February 17) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on co-operation in industrial research and development (R&D) with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China, represented by Mr Gregory So, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development. 
    Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Economy of Israel, Mr Avi Hasson, and the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Miss Janet Wong, also attended the signing ceremony.
    Mr Karni said at the signing ceremony, "With this MoU we set up a mechanism, with no cap I mind you, that will enable co-financing of high-tech R&D, but also we send a clear message to the industry and academia that we at the Government of Israel are fully supportive of this sector and committing tax-payers’ money for future growth". 
    “We find Hong Kong an important partner to promote with and boost high tech activity in the region.  The unique location, the transparent legal system, the vibrant society and above all the talent of the people make a perfect match”, he said.
    Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Economy of Israel, Avi Hasson, speaks at the signing ceremony
    Photo: Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Economy of Israel, Avi Hasson, speaks at the signing ceremony
    Mr Hasson, who came to Hong Kong especially to attend this signing ceremony, said, "The agreement that we signed today is an important platform for developing cooperation between Hong Kong companies and Israeli companies.  HK companies should be a natural partner for Israeli companies looking east and we hope that through this agreement new world changing technologies will be developed."
