newsletter luglio 2013
  • newsletter luglio 2013

  • 7/18/2013 12:00 AM

  • July 2013

    Dear friend,

    We are pleased to send you our Newsletter #6.

    For any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact the editor, Ms. Barbara Bianchi

    Jewish-Catholic Dialogue


    International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations Meets Pope Francis

    IJCIC Press release:
    On June 24, 2013, members of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC) were privileged to have an audience with Pope Francis at the Papal Palace in Rome. The meeting was attended by Professor Lawrence Schiffman, IJCIC Chair (Orthodox Union), Betty Ehrenberg, Vice Chair (World Jewish Congress), Martin Budd, IJCIC Treasurer (Anti-Defamation League) and many other representatives of IJCIC member organizations and was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Professor Schiffman‘s opening remarks expressed great appreciation for the close relationship, friendship and cooperation that has been developed between IJCIC and the Vatican over time as we have worked together for 40 years advancing Jewish-Catholic relations. He said that IJCIC is gratified that the Vatican maintains diplomatic relations with the State of Israel and has excellent relations with many Jewish groups and with Jewish communities around the world. On behalf of IJCIC, he addressed the willingness to rededicate ourselves to continue to build on the strong relationship that Jews and Catholics have nurtured and to continue to seek common ground in order to work on issues of mutual concern, such as religious freedom, and the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and bigotry.
    Pope Francis, in his remarks to the IJCIC representatives, firmly condemned hatred and all forms of anti-Semitism, saying, “Due to our common roots Christians cannot be anti-Semitic!” He also expressed joy at his deep friendships with the Jewish leaders, particularly those in Argentina with whom he had the opportunity to develop a close and ongoing dialogue. He mentioned the importance of trying to involve the younger generations in the dialogue so that the friendly relations can continue in this direction.
    Schiffman said, “We were profoundly gratified by Pope Francis’s encouraging words which increase our confidence that when Jews and Catholics work together we can succeed. We thank Pope Francis for his warm words and look forward to continuing our close friendship and cooperation, which we hope will intensify in the future.”
    For the speeches of Pope Francis and Professor Shiffman go to: Pope Francis meets with the Jewish delegation (IJCIC)

    Il 24 Giugno 2013 una Delegazione dei Responsabili del Comitato Ebraico Internazionale per le Consultazioni Interreligiose (IJCIC) è stata ricevuta in Udienza da Papa Francesco. L’incontro si è svolto in una cordiale atmosfera. La delegazione ha espresso grande apprezzamento per la stretta relazione di amicizia e di cooperazione che si è instaurata tra l’IJCIC ed il Vaticano e per le relazioni diplomatiche tra Israele e Santa Sede.
    Papa Francesco, in questa occasione ha condannato fermamente l’antisemitismo dicendo: “Per le nostre radici comuni un cristiano non può dirsi antisemita.”
    Per saperne di più: Papa Francesco incontra la delegazione Ebraica IJCIC



    Embassy Activities


    On June 26, the Pontifical Lateran University invited the Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See, Dr. Zion Evrony, to speak at the conference "Towards Rio 2013: the educational challenge for the younger generation."
    In his speech the Ambassador stressed: "Young people bring new energy and original ways to tackle old problems and because of this, they may have an important role in breaking down prejudices and contributing to peace."

    Il 26 giugno scorso la Pontificia Università Lateranense ha invitato l’Ambasciatore Evrony, a parlare al convegno: “Verso Rio 2013: la sfida educativa per le giovani generazioni”.
    Nel suo discorso l’Ambasciatore ha evidenziato come: “I giovani portano con sé nuove energie e modi originali di affrontare vecchi problemi ed è proprio per questo che possono avere un ruolo importante per abbattere i pregiudizi, e per contribuire alla pace.”



    New ElAl Director

    On June 26, at the gardens of the Synagogue of Rome, Mr. Yechiel Eyni, the outgoing Director of El Al for Central Europe and Africa, addressed organizations, friends and colleagues with whom he shared the last 11 years. The event was also an opportunity to get to know the new director, Ms Oranit Beit Halahmy.
    Mr. Zion Evrony with: Mr. Offer Gat, VP Global Sales El Al Israel Airlines; Mrs. Yardena Eyni, spouse of Mr. Eyni; Mrs. Oranit Beit Halachmi, incoming Regional Manager for Central Europe and Africa; Mr. Naor Gilon, Ambassador of Israel in Italy; Mr. Yechiel Eyni, outgoing Regional Manager for Central Europe and Africa; Mr. Riccardo Pacifici, President of the Jewish Community in Rome; Mr. Shalom Teshuba, Vice President of the Jewish Community (Meloni foto)

    Mercoledì 26 giugno, presso i giardini della Sinagoga Maggiore di Roma, il sig. Yechiel Eyni, il Direttore uscente dell’El Al per l’Europa Centrale e l’Africa, ha salutato le istituzioni, gli amici ed i colleghi con i quali ha condiviso gli ultimi 11 anni di attività. L’evento è stato anche l’occasione per conoscere il nuovo direttore, la sig.ra Oranit Beit Halahmy.



    On July 4, the Ambassador traveled to Naples where he met His Eminence Cardinal Sepe and the Chief Rabbi of Naples, Dr. Scialom Bahbout.

    It was particularly exciting and important for the Ambassador to see an ancient Torah brought by the Spanish Jews following their expulsion from Spain in 1492.

    Il 4 luglio scorso l’Ambasciatore si è recato a Napoli dove ha incontrato Sua Eminenza il Cardinale Crescenzio Sepe e il Rabbino Capo di Napoli, il Dottor Scialom Bahbout.

    Particolarmente emozionante e significativo è stato, per l’Ambasciatore, vedere esposta un’antica Torah portata dagli ebrei spagnoli a Napoli in seguito alla loro cacciata dalla Spagna nel 1492.



    F. Pierbattista Pizzaballa confirmed as Custos of the Holy Land

    The confirmation of Fra Pierbattista Pizzaballa as Custos of the Holy Land for the next three years was announced on June 27. The Custody assured Fra Pierbattista Pizzaballa of its best wishes as he continues his mission at the head of the Province of the Holy Land.
    The Custody at this time counts 285 Franciscan friars. 39 nationalities are represented. The largest linguistic group is the Orientals (mainly Arabic speakers) with 66 friars, followed by the Italian speakers (61), English speakers (54) and the Hispanic group (50).

    Lo scorso 27 giugno è stata annunciata la conferma di Frà Pierbattista Pizzaballa come Custode di Terra Santa per i prossimi tre anni.
    La Custodia conta attualmente 285 religiosi francescani. 174 frati appartengono alla Provincia della Custodia e 111 provengono da altre Provincie. Il servizio può durare una decina d’anni o più. 39 sono le nazionalità rappresentate. Il gruppo linguistico più importante è quello orientale (per la maggioranza di lingua araba) con 66 frati, seguito dal gruppo di lingua italiana (61), dal gruppo anglofono (54) e dal gruppo di lingua spagnola (50).



    Music in Auschwitz

    “The suffering of the innocent”, a catechetical symphonic concert composed by Kiko Arguello was performed by the orchestra of the Neocatechumenal Way on June 23 in front of the “gate of death” of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The concert was attended by 6 cardinals, 50 bishops, 35 rabbis and more than 12 thousand people. Among the participants, Rabbi Lefkowitz, director of Afikim, an organization that takes care of poor children in Israel.
    Ha avuto vasta eco il concerto sinfonico-catechetico "La Sofferenza degli Innocenti" composto da Kiko Arguello ed eseguito domenica 23 giugno dall'Orchestra del Cammino neocatecumenale davanti alla "Porta della Morte" di Auschwitz-Birkenau. Vi hanno preso parte 6 cardinali, 50 vescovi, 35 rabbini e più di 12mila persone. A partecipare anche il rabbino Mosche Lefkowitz, Direttore di Afikim, un'organizzazione il che si occupa di bambini poveri in Israele.
    Nel link, intervista di Radio Vaticana al Rabbino Leftowitz: La sofferenza degli innocenti



    Museum on Jewish-Christian coexistence to be set up in the synagogue of Gyongyos in eastern Hungary

    Plans are under way for a museum on Jewish-Christian coexistence to be set up in the synagogue of Gyongyos in eastern Hungary, the project’s initiator, the local member of parliament, told MTI in a statement on Monday.
    Jozsef Balazs, a lawmaker for the Fidesz party, said a document of intent was signed with cross-party support. Signatories were leader of the Jewish working group of the Christian Democrats’ Barankovics Foundation, Peter Weisz, the leader of the Liberal Party Gabor Fodor, who was born in Gyongyos, and local deputy mayor and head of the local Socialist Party chapter Gyorgy Hiesz.
    The project’s financing will be made available from church and cultural foundations, and support from the Hungarian and Israeli state, according to plans, the statement added. The project will tie in with the 70th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust next year, it added.
    Balazs said Gyongyos has one of the richest Jewish cultural heritages in the country, but the condition of the synagogue and cemetery, built in 1929-31, gives cause for concern.
    The museum will be housed in the synagogue, designed by Lipot Baumhorn, which today operates as a furniture shop in the town centre.
    Altogether 1,824 people were put in ghetto in Gyongyos in April 1944, some 10 percent of the population, and the whole community was deported to death camps. Hardly any of them survived.

    Un museo sulla coesistenza ebraico-cristiana verrà istituito nella sinagoga di Gyongyos nell’Ungheria orientale.
    Jozsef Balazs, parlamentare del Fidesz, ha comunicato che è stato firmato un documento di intenti i cui firmatari sono: Peter Weisz (leader del gruppo di lavoro ebraico dei Democratici Cristiani della Fondazione Barankovics), Gabor Fodor (leader del Partito Liberale, nato a Gyongyos), e Gyorgy Hiesz, il vice sindaco.
    Il progetto riceverà i finanziamenti dalla Chiesa e da fondazioni culturali e il sostegno da parte dello Stato ungherese e israeliano, e sarà legato al 70° anniversario della Shoah ungherese che verrà commemorata l'anno prossimo. Più di 1.800 persone furono messe nel ghetto di Gyongyos nell'aprile 1944 (circa il 10% della popolazione) e l’intera comunità fu deportata nei campi di sterminio. Quasi nessuno di loro è sopravvissuto.
    Plans for museum of jewish-christian coexistence



    Medal to Monsignor Capovilla

    The Wallenberg Foundation awarded a specially-coined medal to Monsignor Loris Capovilla, aged 97. Capovilla was the personal secretary of Pope John XXIII and has devoted his whole life to keeping alive the legacy of his beloved boss. The foundation also announced that a special session of the Knesset will be held in October in memory of Pope John XXIII.

    La Fondazione Raul Wallenberg ha conferito una medaglia all’Arcivescovo Loris Francesco Capovilla “per la sua vita dedicata a promuovere, tramandare e divulgare la memoria di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli”. La fondazione ha anche annunciato che a fine ottobre una sessione speciale del Parlamento israeliano sarà dedicata al ricordo di Papa Giovanni XXIII.



    Israel from within


    WFP and FAO Explore New Cooperation With Israel On Smart Solutions For Increasing Global Food Production

    JERUSALEM – The Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Ertharin Cousin, following her recent visit to Israel, joins with the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in confirming the potential opportunity to transfer technology and innovations in agriculture to countries in the world where families live on the edge of hunger, and their resilience is tested by crisis including drought and floods.

    Cousin visited the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research during her visit to Israel 18-22 June, where she saw pioneering work on dry lands farming and increasing yields even in the most difficult conditions, among other innovations.
    “One third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, so we are also interested in exploring the possibility of developing new ways to minimize post-harvest losses,” Cousin said.
    This visit strengthened the relationship between WFP and Israel’s Agency for International Development, MASHAV. WFP, together with FAO, is keen to further expand the partnership with MASHAV to leverage Israeli technical expertise that will increase the yields of smallholder farmers. Opportunities have been identified in South Sudan and Rwanda, as well as in neighbouring countries where WFP and FAO work together.
    FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva welcomed the opportunity to expand FAO’s partnership with Israel, together with WFP.
    “This collaboration could contribute to the ongoing efforts to sustainably improve productivity of small-scale producers,” said Graziano da Silva.
    WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Last year, WFP reached more than 97 million people in 80 countries with food assistance.

    In seguito alla sua recente visita in Israele, Ertharin Cousin, Direttrice Esecutiva del Programma Alimentare Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite (WFP), si è unita alla FAO nel confermare la potenziale opportunità di trasferire la tecnologia e le innovazioni nel campo dell’agricoltura in quei paesi del mondo in cui le famiglie vivono ai limiti della fame e la loro capacità di recupero è messa a dura prova da situazioni di crisi, come siccità e inondazioni.



    Fast and... peaceful - Jerusalem

    "Fast" is usually not a word associated with the ancient city of Jerusalem. But on June 13th and 14th, that changed in an instant as sleek Formula One cars zipped through the streets of Israel's capital.
    Even though it wasn't an official race, the Formula One Jerusalem Peace Road Show succeeded in exciting the Jews, Christians and Muslims who crowded around the route. As some of the world's fastest and most beautiful cars sped past the Old City walls and climbed the hills of Jerusalem, motor-sport fans went wild and newcomers were electrified by this historic event.
    Among the drivers, most of whom share their thoughts on driving in Jerusalem, were Giancarlo Fisichella (Ferrari), Rodolfo Gonzalez (Marussia), Vitantonio Liuzzi (Lotus) and Roy Nissani (Ferrari) as well as motorbike freestyler Chris Pfeiffer.

    "Veloce" non è una parola solitamente associata con l'antica città di Gerusalemme. Ma il 13 e il 14 giugno, ciò è cambiato nell’istante in cui fiammanti auto di Formula 1 hanno sfrecciato per le strade della capitale di Israele.
    Benché non fosse una gara ufficiale, la “Formula One Jerusalem Peace Road Show” è stata un’esibizione emozionante per gli ebrei, cristiani e musulmani che si sono affollati intorno al percorso. Mentre alcune delle auto più veloci e più belle del mondo correvano intorno alle mura della Città Vecchia e sopra le colline di Gerusalemme, i fan dei motori impazzivano e i tanti astanti occasionali sono rimasti elettrizzati da questo evento storico.
    Tra i piloti, molti dei quali hanno condividono le loro impressioni sul correre a Gerusalemme, figuravano Giancarlo Fisichella (Ferrari), Rodolfo Gonzalez (Marussia), Vitantonio Liuzzi (Lotus) e Roy Nissani (Ferrari) e il pilota di moto freestyle Chris Pfeiffer.

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