the Menorah exhibition

the Menorah exhibition

    In the press conference held last Monday on the 20th of February the Menorah exhibition was announced. First joint project of its kind between the Jewish and the Vatican Museums.
    This exhibition will take place from May 15th in the Braccio di Carlo Magno at the Vatican Museum and in the Jewish Museum of Rome, presenting one of the most enigmatic symbols of Judaism: the Menorah.
    It will explore the cult, the history and the myth of this special object that had fascinated historians, archeologists and many others around the world throughout centuries. The inventory will include precious loans from the Louvre in Paris, the National Gallery in London, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and many other prestigious international institutions.
    During the press conference, H.E. Ambassador Oren David referred to the Magdala Stone with the Menorah engraved on it, which will be loaned by Israel as a contribution to the exhibition. This important religious artifact was found in the archaeological site inside the Migdal Synagogue area, near the Sea of Galilee and dates back to the Second Temple period.
    The Ambassador also mentioned the two parallel projects to the Menorah exhibition, one is the “escape room”, which invites visitors to discover the Menorah through an extraordinary virtual and sensorial experience. In addition, coloring books will be placed outside the Jewish Museum and the Vatican Museums, to contribute to the activities around the event.
    find below links to articles on the press conference: