the Menora exhibition

the Menora exhibition

    The unique and first of its kind exhibition “Menora- cult, history, myth” will be inaugurated on the 15th of May at the Braccio di Carlo Magno of the Vatican museum.
    This joint project between the Jewish and the Vatican museums will include more than 130 archeological artifacts, works of art and manuscripts that were collected from about 20 leading museums around the world.
    One of the most significant archeological findings that will be exhibited is the Stone of Migdal that was discovered in a synagogue that dates to the times of the Second Temple. This unique artifact is on its way these days from Israel with the support of the Israeli Antiquity Authority.

    The exhibition will take place both in the Jewish museum and the Vatican museum between May 15th and July 23rd.
    It illustrates the bond of the Jewish people to their land as to the holy sites and also reinforces the shared history and heritage of Judaism and Christianity.
    Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See H.E. Oren David added: “this unique cooperation is an example of the intensity of the interreligious dialogue and an illustration of the common sources and symbols of the two religions”.