kinneret college

From the Kinneret to St Peter


    other group.JPGA group of History and Archaeology students from the Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee visited the tomb of St Peter, who began his career as a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. They were accompanied by Prof. of History of Early Christianity, Dr. Jakov  Ashkenazi and the Head of the Institute for Galilean Archaeology Dr. Mordechay Aviam.


    The visit was organized by the Israeli Embassy's cultural officer, Mz. Barbara Bianchi as part of the embassy's academic exchange activities. 


    Their visit to the Necropolis under St. Peter's Basilica was made possible by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, president of Fabbrica de San Pietro and introduced by Prof. Pietro Zander, who has written a book on the site and who greeted them on the Cardinal's behalf.

    The visit to the Santa Rosa necropolis was made possible thanks to the good auspices of H.R.E. Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca, Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City and the precious support of Prof. Sandro Barbagallo.
    The students visited this important burial site, which is not open to the public yet,  guided by the archaeologists who are currently working on the site, Dr. Giandomenico Spinola and his colleagues.
    The visit to this ancient cemetery was an excellent opportunity to study the tomb culture of classical antiquity - a topic which the students are studying in the Galilee.