delegation of Rectors and Vice Rectors of Catholic Universities of Catholic Universities from around the world visited Rome and Israel

Delegation Rectors Catholic Uni Rome and Israel

  •   delegation of Rectors and Vice Rectors of Catholic Universities from around the world visited Rome and Israel
    A delegation of ten Rectors and Vice Rectors of Catholic Universities from Honduras, Chile, Mexico, Kenya, India, Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, Italy, and Hungary visited Rome and Israel April 8-14.  The delegation was led by Monsignor Prof. Guy-Real Thivierge, Secretary General of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC).
    This is the third delegation of this kind organized by the Israeli Embassy to the Holy See aimed at promoting and fostering academic relations between Catholic Universities and Israeli Universities. The participants visited Israel to get acquainted with modern Israeli society, religion, economy, politics and culture, and enjoy a special program and tour beyond the usual tourist track.
    While in Rome the Rectors visited the Jewish ghetto and attended a Shabbat Prayer service at the Great Synagogue. For many of the Rectors this was their first visit in a Synagogue.
    Later they were hosted by Ambassador Zion Evrony and Rita Evrony for a Shabbat dinner in their home. The dinner was in the presence of His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See and His Eminence Cardinal Versaldi, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

    On Saturday, April 9 they attended the General Audience and met briefly with Pope Francis.
    From April 10-14 in Israel, they visited the Hebrew University, Bar-Ilan University and Haifa University where they met with professors and discussed possible academic cooperation. They also visited Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, the Holy sites, met senior Rabbis, religious leaders, members of the Christian community, and the Nuncio.