
Qasr El Yahud Baptismal Site

  •   Third most important site for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land is open daily
    The third most important site for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land is open daily (including Saturday) following a $2.3 million investment in renovation and development.​​​​
  • Yael Zilbershen (NPA)
    The baptism site on the River Jordan known as Qasr el Yahud is now open to the public, free of charge, seven days a week.

    Qasr el Yahud is the third most important site for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land (after the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of the Nativity). It is considered to be the site where, according to the New Testament, John the Baptist baptized Jesus (Matthew, 3: 13-17). Located on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, many churches were built here over the centuries. The site is also considered to be the place where the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan when they entered Canaan.

    About $2.3 million have been invested by the Tourism Ministry and its partners in renovating and upgrading the site. This includes the construction of wooden ramps into the Jordan River to allow pilgrims easy and comfortable access to the waters, erecting shaded areas for prayer sessions, and improved restroom and parking facilities.  The site is wheelchair accessible.

    Managed by the Nature Parks Authority, ​the site is open to the public every day, including, Saturday from 9am to 5pm. On Fridays and holiday eves, the site will be open until 3pm (winter time) and 4pm (Summer time).​
