archeological lecture at ambassador's residence

archeological lecture at ambassador's residence

    Yesterday evening the Ambassador to the Holy See H.E. Oren David hosted an archeological lecture at his residence.
    The guest speakers were Dr. Moti Aviam, senior archaeologist from Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, who spoke about  “Galilean archaeology as a tool for the study of the landscape of the Gospels” and Dr. Cecilia Proverbio,  Professor of Ancient Christian Art at the Pontifical Gregorian University who presented the theme of “Religious controversies and the changing of the early Christian art”.
    The presentations were very interesting and illuminating and the whole  event was held in a very friendly and pleasent atmosphere.

    Ambassador welcomes the guests

    prof. Moti Aviam and prof. Yakob Ashkenazi from the Kinneret College, professors Mr. and Mrs. Meyers from the Duke University (USA) and prof. Briffa from the Pontifical Gregorian University

    Ambassador Oren David with the Rector of Pontifical Gregorian University,Fr. Nuno da Silva Gonçalves, 
    Dr. Cecilia Proverbio and other professors and students of the university

    Ambassador Oren David with Amb. of Great Britain to the Holy See H.E. Sally Axworthy and Amb. of Canada to the Holy See H.E. Dennis Anthony Savoie