Ambassador visits Fiuggi & Trivigliano

Ambassador visits Fiuggi & Trivigliano

  •   Ambassador visits Fiuggi & Trivigliano
    Yesterday, February 21st, Ambassador Oren David went to visit the towns of Fiuggi and Trivigliano. There he visited the Jewish Ghetto in Fiuggi and the library dedicated to the memory of the Shoah situated  inside the Museum of Rural Life of Trivigliano. Ambassador also visited the Church of St. Stefano, where he addressed to those present.
    The visit was organized by Prof.  Giuseppe Levi Pelloni, General Secretary of the Foundation Livio Pelloni. During this visit the Ambassador met with rapresentatives of local associations, among others with Honorary President of the Foundation Levi Pelloni, Dr. Giovanna Napolitano Morelli, Deputy Mayor of Fiuggi, Dr. Elisa Costantini and with the Mayor of Trevigliano, Dr. Ennio Quatrana. The visit was concluded with lunch at the local restaurant 'Da Riccardo'.