The Embassy of Israel to the Holy See celebrated Israel's 67 years of Independence

Celebrating Israel's 67 years of Independence

  •   Celebrating Israel's 67th Anniversary of Independence
    The Embassy of Israel to the Holy See celebrated Israel's 67 years of Independence, on April 28.
    The traditional celebration took place at Hotel Columbus near the Vatican. This is the same place that twenty years ago The Fundamental Agreement between the State of Israel and the Holy See was signed.
    Over 220 guests attended the event including Senior Vatican officials, Ambassadors, the President of the Association of the Jewish communities of Italy, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, diplomats, journalists and many other friends.
    In his speech Ambassador Evrony spoke about the earthquake in Nepal, the Israeli aid delegation and the field hospital that is operating now to save lives and help the local injured people.
    The Ambassador also spoke about the "miracle" of the State of Israel, and the demographic and geographic diversity of Israel.
    "We are a fully democratic State, democracy is a characteristic of the Jewish people".
    The Ambassador mentioned the creativity and technological progress of Israel: "we are proud of the innovations that we have achieved in the field of science, health, High Tech and agriculture"…"although Israel is not a country rich in natural resources, it managed to develop thanks to its human resources a flourishing economy".   
    He also spoke about the desire for peace, "reaching peace with our neighbors would help us to make this miracle called Israel, thrive... therefore I would like to conclude with a verse from Psalms.. "pray for the peace of Jerusalem..".
    A buffet dinner was served to our guests and there were fruit and dates from Israel.
    The event was successful and was held in a very friendly and warm atmosphere.