Priests and Nuns visiting the Jewish museum and the Great Synagogue

Priests visit Jewish Museum and Great Synagogue

  •   Priests and Nuns visit the Jewish museum and the Great Synagogue
         A new project was initiated recently by the Israeli Embassy to the Holy See in which groups of Priests, student Priests, Nuns and student Nuns visit the Jewish Museum, the Spanish Synagogue and the Great Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter in Rome. 
          So far three groups have visited with a total of about 200 people.  The participants learn about Jewish heritage and culture and about the Roman Jewish community which is one of the oldest in the world.
        The Priests and Nuns are studying in various Pontifical Universities in Rome and come from all over the world including: Argentina, Australia, Burkina Fasa, Burundi, Cameroon, Capo Verde, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, India, Korea, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Togo, United States, Vietnam, Zambia and other countries. 
         After the visit of the Museum and the Synagogues, the groups are shown around the Jewish Ghetto and visit some of the sites including where the Jews were rounded up by the Nazi’s on October 16, 1943   and taken to Auschwitz.   
         This project has been very successful and more groups are scheduled to visit after the Passover holiday.