•   President Rivlin welcomed to Vatican, holds meeting with Pope Francis
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    ביקור הנשיא המדינה ראבון ריבלין ורעייתו נחמה ריבלין בותיקן רומא איטליהצילום חיים צח / לע"מ photo by Haim Zach / GPO ביקור הנשיא המדינה ראבון ריבלין ורעייתו נחמה ריבלין בותיקן רומא איטליהצילום חיים צח / לע"מ photo by Haim Zach / GPO copyright: Government Press Office Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    Thursday, 3 September 2015 / 19 Elul 5775
    President Rivlin: “I met a man who carries a new message for the world in his ability to act as a bridge, in his ability to see each person as a person, regardless of their religious beliefs.”
    President Reuven Rilvin this morning (Thursday) visited the Vatican and held a private meeting with Pope Francis.
    During the meeting which lasted around an hour, the two spoke about a wide range of issues, including the Pope’s ability to bring people together, and act as a mediator in the case of conflicts around the world, and the conflict in the Middle East in particular. They spoke about the urgent need to rebuild confidence as a prerequisite to the renewal of direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The President said, “I said to the Pope that I see in him a bridge, and asked of him to serve as such in the most difficult of places for mediation, where there no trust exists between the parties.”
    In their discussions the President expressed his distress and concern over the wave of anti-Semitism which had swept the world, and noted that any call for the destruction of Israel was rooted in anti-Semitism, which the whole world needed to condemn and overcome.
    The Pope agreed with the President on the issue, and said that anti-Semitism should be seen as an evil ill, while all those who sought to threaten Israel’s existence were rooted in anti-Semitism.
    The President explained to the Pope about his visit last week to the area in the Jordan Valley known as ‘Land of the Monasteries’ due to the plethora of churches and monasteries surrounding the traditional baptism site on the Jordan River, where according to Christian tradition, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. The area has recently become the subject of a joint initiative by the Israeli security services in partnership with the Nature Reserves Authority, with the cooperation of Christian community leaders, aimed at developing the area to improve access for pilgrims and visitors.
    The President said, “I told the Pope that the initiative has the potential to bring together the peoples of the region – Jordanians, Israelis, and Palestinians, and all those of faith – Christians, Muslims, and Jews."
    Notably moving during the meeting, was the President’s explanation to the Pope of his childhood memories, walking down to the Western Wall to hear the traditional sounding of the Shofar (ram’s horn) at the conclusion of Yom Kippur, which had to be done in secret. The President said to the Pope, “There and then, I promised myself that I would fight so that no one should feel as I did then, and that I would do all within my power to ensure that the ability of each person to freely express their faith was an accepted fact."
    Also during their meeting the President updated the Pope on the progress toward reaching a solution in the financial crisis surrounding the Christian schools in Israel, and assured him that all the relevant authorities were doing everything possible to find a solution as soon as possible.