IDF soldiers killed in Operation Protective Edge

IDF soldiers killed in Operation Protective Edge

  •   IDF soldiers killed in Operation Protective Edge
    Friday, July 18, 2014
    Friday July 18, 2014 Staff Sgt. Eitan Barak (20) of Herzlia was killed on Friday night in Beit Hannun in the northern Gaza Strip.

          Eitan Barak

    Saturday, July 19, 2014
    Maj. (res) Amotz Greenburg (45) of Hod Hasharon and Sgt. Adar Barsano (20) of Nahariya were killed in a battle with terrorists who infiltrated Israeli territory through a terror tunnel near Kibbutz Kissufim located near the center of the Gaza Strip. The terrorists who had infiltrated Israel in an attempt to carry out an attack on Israeli civilians, opened fire on the Israeli unit with machine guns and an anti-tank missile. Two officers were wounded in the battle and were transferred to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva.
    Staff Sgt. Bnaya Rubel (20) of Holon was killed in a battle with Hamas gunmen in southern Gaza.
    2nd-Lt. Bar Rahav (21) of Ramat Yishai, an Engineering Corps officer cadet was killed by an antitank missile fired at the vehicle he was operating. Rahav was posthumously promoted to second lieutenant.
     Amotz Greenburg           Adar Barasano           Bnayahu Rubel                 Bar Rahav

    Sunday, July 20, 2014
    Thirteen Golani Brigade soldiers were killed in in different incidents in and around Shujaiyeh in the eastern Gaza Strip. Two US citizens are among the fallen. In one incident north of Shujaiyeh, Golani troops were ambushed and an RPG was fired at their APC, killing seven and severely wounding two, with one missing. In another incident, three soldiers were killed, including two officers in the battalion. Three more soldiers were killed in another gun battle nearby. In another incident, an anti-tank rocket was fired at a building in Shujaiyeh where troops were staying, killing three and wounding many more. The commander of the Golani Brigade, Colonel Raslan Alian, was among the wounded.
    Maj. Tsafrir Bar-Or (32) of Holon, Capt. Tzvi Kaplan (28) of Kibbutz Meirav, Staff Sgt. Gilad Yaakobi (21) of Kiriat Ono, Staff Sgt. Oz Mendelovitch (20) of Atzmon, Staff Sgt. Nissim Sean Carmelli (21) of Ra’anana (originally from South Padre Island, Texas), Staff Sgt. Moshe Melako (20) of Jerusalem, Sgt. Max Steinburg (24) of Beer Sheva (originally from Los Angeles, California), Staff Sgt. Shachar Tase (20) of Pardesiya, Staff Sgt. Daniel Pomerantz (20) of Kfar Azar, Sgt. Shon Mondshine (19) of Tel Aviv, Sgt. Ben Oanounou (19) of Ashdod, Staff Sgt. Oren Noach (22), Sgt. Oron Shaul (19) of Poriah Illit.  
                 Tsafrir Bar-Or               Tzvi Kaplan                   Gilad Yaakobi          Oz Mendelovitch
    Nissim Sean Carmelli      Moshe Maleko             Max Steinberg               Shachar Tase
      Daniel Pomerantz        Shon Mondshine             Ben Oanounou            Oren Noach

         Oron Shaul

    Monday, July 21, 2014
    Nine IDF soldiers were killed today in the fighting. Four were killed near Kibbutz Nir Am in a firefight with terrorists who had infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip. An additional three Golani Brigade soldiers were killed in two separate incidents in the Sujaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza. Two others were killed in other battles in the Gaza Strip.
    The soldiers killed in the Nir-Am incident were: Lt. Col. Dolev Keidar (38) from Modi’in, Sgt. Nadav Goldmacher (23) from Be’er Sheva, Warrant Officer Baynesain Kasahun (39) from Netivot and 1st Lt. Yuval Heiman (21) from Efrat. The Golani soldiers killed in the fighting in Sujaiyeh were Staff Sgt. Jordan Ben Simon (22) from Ashkelon, Staff Sgt. Tal Ifrach (21) from Rishon Letzion and Staff Sgt. Yuval Dagan (22) from Kfar Sava. Staff Sgt. Oded Ben Sira (22) of Nir Etzion and Master Sgt. Ohad Shemesh (27) of Beit Elazari were also killed in the fighting in Gaza.
         Dolev Keidar             Nadav Goldmacher     Baynesain Kasahun           Yuval Heiman
       Jordan Ben Simon               Tal Ifrach                 Yuval Dagan                Oded Ben Sira
          Ohad Shemesh
    Tuesday, July 22, 2014
    Two Tank Corps officers and a paratrooper were killed in the fighting in Gaza: Capt. Dimitri Levitas (26) of Jerusalem and Gshur, Lt. Natan Cohen (23) of Modiin and Staff Sgt. Evyatar Tourjeman (20) of Beit Shean.
          Dimitri Levitas                Natan Cohen             Evyatar Tourjeman

    Wednesday, July 23, 2014
    Three IDF paratroopers were killed in the fighting in Gaza: Lt. Paz Eliyahu (22) of Kibbutz Evron, Staff Sgt. Li Mat of Eilat and Staff Sgt. Shahar Dauber of Kibbutz Ginegar.
           Paz Eliyahu                    Li Mat                     Shahar Dauber
    Friday, July 25, 2014
    Four soldiers were killed today in the fighting in the Gaza Strip:
    Master Sergeant (Res.) Yair Ashkenazy (36) of Rehovot, Staff Sgt. Guy Levy (21) of Kfar Vradim, Staff Sgt. Guy Boyland (21) from Kibbutz Ginosar and Staff Sgt. Amit Yaori (20) of Jerusalem.
       Yair Ahkenazi                    Guy Levi                Guy Borland              Amit Yaori
    Saturday, July 26, 2014
    Six soldiers died today as a result of the fighting in the Gaza Strip.
    Four were killed in the combat in Gaza: Roi Peles (21) of Tel Aviv, Staff Sgt. Avraham Greentzweig (21) of Petah Tikva, Staff Sgt. Gal Besson (21) of Holon and Sergeant First Class (res.) Barak Refael Degorker (27) of Gan Yavne.
    Two succumbed to wounds sustained in the fighting: Chief Warrant Officer Rami Cahlon (39) of Hadera and Cpt. Liad Lavi (20) of Moshav Talmei Yosef.  
               Roi Peles            Avraham Greentzweig          Gal Basson          Barak Refael Degorker  

              Rami Cahlon                    Liad Lavi

    Monday, July 28 2014
    Ten soldiers were killed today in the fighting in and around the Gaza Strip.
    Four soldiers, Staff Sgt. Eliav Eliyahu Haim Kahlon (22) of Safed, Cprl. Meidan Maymon Biton (20) of Netivot, Staff Sgt. Adi Briga (23) of Moshav Beit Shikma and Cprl. Niran Cohen (20) of Tiberias were killed by mortar fire along the Gaza border.
    One soldier, Staff Sgt. Moshe Davino (20) of Jerusalem,  was killed in combat in the southern Gaza Strip. Five others were killed in combat when terrorists infiltrated Israel via a tunnel from Gaza and attempted to execute a terror attack against a civilian target: Sgt. Nadav Raimond (19), Sgt. Daniel Kedmi (18) of Tzofim, Sgt.  Barkey Ishai Shor (21) of Jerusalem, Sgt. Sagi Erez (19) of Kiryat Ata and Sgt. Dor Dery (18) of Jerusalem.
            Eliav Kahlon             Meidan Maymon Biton            Adi Briga                    Niran Cohen
         Moshe Davino               Nadav Raimond              Daniel Kedmi            Barkay Ishay Shor
             Sagi Erez                   Dor Dery