Christmas festivities in Israel

Christmas festivities in Israel

  •   Christmas festivities in Israel
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    christmas christmas copyright: Tzvi Roger
    Christmas in Israel offers visitors and pilgrims a very special and unique festive and spiritual experience, with the opportunity to spend Christmas in the ancient city of Jerusalem, to participate in Christmas festivities and Mass in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth and visit the many Christian sites in the Galilee as well as participate in the Holiday of Holidays Festival in Haifa. This exclusive festival combines the celebration of three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and presents the religious and cultural diversity of Haifa, where Jews, Christians and Muslims live peacefully side by side.
    Full schedule of the service times in Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem is available at the Christian information site.
    Special Events for Christmas
    December 24
    16:00   Traditional parade of thousands of youth from youth movements, together with the leaders of the Christian communities, through the main street of Nazareth. The parade ends at the plaza in front of the Basilica. It is expected that there will be 30,000 participants.
    19:00    Christmas Mass in the Basilica of the Annunciation
    December 25
    00:00  Midnight Mass in the Basilica of the Annunciation
    All Catholic Churches celebrate Mass. At the Church of the Annunciation the first Mass will begin at 07:00, with a festive Mass taking place at 10:00.
    There are many Christmas celebrations taking place in Jerusalem during December.
    December 24th, Christmas Eve Concert
    The Jerusalem International YMCA is one of the oldest landmarks in Jerusalem. The historic building has always served as a center of culture, sport and a place of reconciliation since its establishment in 1878 and is one of the main bastions for Christmas celebrations in Jerusalem.
    This year’s Christmas concert hosts: Prof. Gaby Shefler in a unique performance of the Tower bells (carillon), the Oratorio Chamber Choir, the Bel Canto Choir, the Jerusalem Armenian Choir and the Jerusalem International YMCA Youth Choir. At the conclusion of the musical celebration, there will be a sing-along and the conductor will lead the audience in familiar hymns of Christmas Eve.  
    Christmas concert will be on Saturday night, December 24th at 20:30 in the Auditorium.
    Special tours are run by the Abraham Hostel including one to Bethlehem on Christmas Eve.
    The American Colony Hotel offers a festive Christmas Eve Dinner as well as an extensive Christmas Day Buffet lunch.
    Throughout December, Haifa celebrates for the 23rd time a unique and special event, the "Holiday of Holidays" festival.  This exclusive holiday combines the celebration of three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. "Holiday of Holidays" activities are held during the weekends, and they symbolize the values of coexistence, living together in peace and harmony, and mutual respect of all six religions in the city, joining the residents' lives and fate together. The festival is an initiative of Beit Hagefen – an Arabic-Jewish cultural center – and Haifa Municipality, who founded the festival in 1993. The holiday takes place in the Arab Wadi Nisnas neighborhood and extends to the German Colony at the foot of the Baha'i' Gardens.
    During the "Holiday of Holidays" the following activities are featured: an Antique Fair, an arts and crafts fair, special authentic foodstuffs prepared by residents of Wadi Nisna and music by artists of all ethnicities, liturgical music concerts in churches, street theater, Friday shows in Beit Hagefen auditorium, Holiday of Holidays exhibitions in galleries and around the festival center, downtown tours and art exhibitions.
    Tel Aviv-Jaffa:
    Lighting the Tel Aviv-Jafo Christmas Tree:
    A 15-meter-high Christmas tree adorned with decoration will be lit
    Starting on December 18 at 18:00
    Night Light Festival in downtown Tel Aviv
    Neve Sha'anan neighborhood was originally designed as a candelabrum. During 2 nights in December (22nd and 24th), the neighborhood will recreate the original candelabrum and illuminate the multicultural abundance and complexity of the neighborhood with dozens of performances, light installations and projections, music, food, tours, parties, and engaged-art in public and private spaces.

    Winter Opera at the Jaffa Flea Market, starring Israeli Opera singers
    Fridays at 11:00

    Light-pipes at the Tel Aviv Port
    From afar it looks like an alleyway lit with Christmas lights, getting closer, the dozens of clear pipes covered with shining lights with thousands of rolling balls actually create a huge Hanukkiah that will be lit throughout the week of Christmas and Hanukkah.
    December 24 - January 1st from 17:30 to midnight, Tel Aviv Port
    Lights Market Festival
    Givo'n Square will become home to Nazareth’s Christmas Market, as performances, food stalls and more fill Givo’n Square.
    December 27 - 29, 2016 from 11:00-23:00 in Givo'n Square
    Viennese Christmas Ball
    The music of Mozart, Haydan, Strauss and Offenback will fill the Armenian church of St Nicholas in Jaffa
    December 16 & 30th at 20:30