Ceasefire once again violated by rocket fire

Ceasefire once again violated by rocket fire

  •   Ceasefire once again violated by rocket fire
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    Nearly all of Israel is in danger Nearly all of Israel is in danger copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    21 Aug 2014

    Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, over 3,700 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza. PM Netanyahu: "Israel will not negotiate under fireWe will achieve the goal of Operation Protective Edge either militarily or diplomatically, or by a combination of both.​​​​
    August 20
    Rocket fire directed at cities and communities in southern Israel continues since 6 am. In the early evening, a rocket was also intercepted over Tel Aviv. According to the IDF Spokesperson, more than 200 rockets have been fired at Israel since Tuesday afternoon.

    August 19
    At about 3:30 pm, three rockets fired from Gaza hit Beersheva and Netivot, violating the ceasefire.​
    The rocket fire on Israel today was a gross violation of the ceasefire. This is the eleventh ceasefire that Hamas has either rejected or violated.
    Following the renewed rocket fire, the IDF struck terrorist targets in Gaza.
    Israel will not negotiate under fire; the Cairo talks were premised on the cessation of all hostilities. The Israeli negotiating team has been called back from Cairo as a result of today's rocket fire.