120 years to the first Zionist Congress

120 years to the first Zionist Congress

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    Herzl is alive and well, and tweeting.
    JERUSALEM 23 AUGUST 2017: 120 years ago this week, Theodore Herzl convened a meeting that changed Jewish – and world – history.
    The First Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland on August 29-31 1897 launched the organized popular movement to establish a Jewish state in the Holy Land, a campaign that was crowned with success a mere fifty years later with the establishment of the State of #Israel on 14 May 1948.
    In an extraordinary development no less groundbreaking than the #1stZionistCongress itself, Herzl himself is taking to Twitter to tell the story of the Congress.
    Join Herzl @HerzlTweets as he tweets his vision for the Jewish state and his thoughts on the Congress.  
    Follow @1897Congress to receive live updates on the Congress' deliberations, as they happen.
    Connect to The Zionist Vision @ThenAndNow1897 to explore the amazing parallels between Herzl's #vision and the modern reality of the Jewish state.
    Powered by @IsraelMFA, this twitter campaign is designed to help people of all generations rediscover a pivotal moment in modern history – the ultimate start-up moment of the start-up nation - and its ongoing relevance to #Jewish life and #globalaffairs today and beyond. 
    Please Join the Conversation: share this release with your network, follow Herzl and the other accounts, engage with the tweets and help carry this great story forward.
    @Tweeting1897 - Bringing the First Zionist Congress Back to Life, on Twitter!
    Launching on August 24, 2017
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