President Rivlin speaks with Father Gregory after desecration at Tabgha

Pres. Rivlin speaks about Tabgha desecration

  •   President Rivlin speaks with Father Gregory after desecration at Tabgha
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    Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes copyright: Israel Ministry of Tourism
    Following the desecration at theChurch of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes at Tabgha, President Reuven Rivlin spoke this morning (Thursday) with Father Gregory Collins, head of the Order of Saint Benedict in Israel.
    President Rivlin said, "I was shocked and saddened to learn this morning of the fire at the Church at Tabgha. Such terrible desecration of an ancient and holy place of prayer, is an attack on the very fabric of life in our country - where people of different faiths seek to live together in harmony and mutual tolerance and respect."
    The President added, "Israel, as a state and a society, is obligated to protect and preserve the holy sites, for all faiths. I can assure you that the relevant authorities will investigate this crime and make every effort to bring those responsible to justice. It is my belief that few people do more damage to Israel, than those who carry out such acts."
    Father Gregory warmly thanked the President for his call. He said, "Mr. President, I greatly appreciate your call. For all of us, this is an attack on Israeli democracy, not just on a religious group. We know that any right thinking people in Israel are against such acts carried out by a tiny minority."
    He told the President, "This is one of the most visited sites in Israel, with over 5,000 people visiting daily, and now it will be closed for the next three days."
    The President concluded, "In a world where extremism chooses the path of violence and intimidation, we have a sacred duty to come together in dialogue and understanding." He asked that Father Gregory send his sympathy and good wishes to all the members of his community.