MASHAV courses in 2018 (being updated)

MASHAV courses and seminars 2018 (being updated)

  •   MASHAV courses and seminars 2018 (being updated)
    We invite you to apply for the following courses:​​
    1. Development of Children: Social Emotional Support and Wellbeing (28/01 - 16/02/2018) 
    Deadline for application submission: 15/11/2017

    2. Postharvesting philosophy, pathology and handling of fresh commodities ( 28/01-16/02/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: ​19/11/2017
    3. Education for Science and Math- STEM framework (14/01-02/02/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: ​​22/11/2017 
    4. Education for Sustainable Development (25/2-16/3/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 3/12/2017

    5. Intensive Vegetable Production (29/1-16/2/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: ​​8/12/2017

    6. Education for Technology and the use of ICT in Education (25/02-16/03/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 3/12/2017

    7. Agribusiness: A tool for the Empowerment of Rural Women (04-22/03/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 28/12/2017

    8. Startup Accelerators in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (13 – 27/3/2018)​
    Deadline for application submission: 15/01/2018
    9. Agricultural Development in Arid Regions (11 – 23/3/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 26/01/2018

    10. Educational methodologies Youth At-Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts and Facilitating Reintegration (24/4-24/5/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 18/02/2018
    11. Clean Technologies – Environmental technology, innovation and management systems as a means for regional and local economic development (22/4 – 16/05/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 23/02/2018

    12. Seed Production & Treatments for Field & Vegetable Crops (29/4-11/5/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 04/03/2018

    13. Developing and organizing a trauma system and MCS organization (3-15/6/2018) 

    Deadline for application submission: 04/03/2018.

    Details:  ​​

    14. Special & Inclusive Education (06-25/5/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 05/03/2017

    15. Irrigation and Fertigation for Intensive Crop Production (23/4-11/5/2018)
    Deadline for application submission: 06/03/2018

    16. Emergency Situation Preparedness (22/4-10/5/2018)

    Deadline for application submission: 09/03/2018


    17. Nutrition in a changing global environment (27/5 - 15/6/2018)

    Deadline for application submission: 25/03/2018

    Details: ​

    18. Environmental Management of Nature Parks and Reserves (10-29/6/2018)

    Deadline for application submission: 18/4/2018.



    Application form can be downloaded at​​

    The expenses for accommodation, tuition fee, and domestic travel will be covered by the Israeli Government. The airfare and pocket money are excluded.
    Applicants are required to have good command of English, relevant degree and experience.  We will contact shortlisted applicants for interview. 
    For further information, please contact Ms. Nguyễn Bảo An, via telephone (024) 37187511, email: and Ms. Nguyễn Thu Trang via telephone (024) 37187532, email: