


    Due to the Israel holiday and China holiday in April,The Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou will be closed on the following dates,please schedule your visa application and other inquires in advance.

    日期 节假日 闭馆时间
    45 清明节、逾越节前夜 直到13:00
    46-7 逾越节 全天闭馆
    410 逾越节 15:30闭馆
    411 第二个逾越节前夜 14:00闭馆
    412-13 第二个逾越节 全天闭馆
    425 阵亡将士纪念日 14:00闭馆
    426 独立日 全天闭馆

    Date Holiday  Closure
    5-Apr Qing Ming, Passover Eve Until 13:00
    6-7 April  Passover Full day closed 
    10-Apr Passover Closed at 15:30
    11-Apr Passover B Eve Closed at 14:00
    12-13 April Passover B Full day Closed 
    25-Apr Yom Ha ' Zikaron Closed at 14:00
    26-Apr Yom Ha'atzmaut 
    Memorial Day
    Full day Closed