Tourism - South of Israel
Eilat Underwater Observatory
Copyright: Eilat Underwater Observatory Marine Park
The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea, located 420 meters below sea level, is the lowest point on earth. This hypersaline lake is an extraordinary water reservoir, the third in its salt concentration around the world, 8.6 times saltier than the ocean. Due to a combination of high salinity and water temperature reaching 390C, it offers a harsh environment in which most living organisms cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea has attracted visitors from around the Mediterranean basin for thousands of years. Apart from being a place of refuge for King David, it was one of the world's first health resorts serving Herod the Great. Nowadays, thanks to its special properties and medicinal benefits, it is a renowned tourist attraction and health resort, with an average of more than one million foreign tourists a year, enjoying the Dead Sea's healing properties, mud baths and hot springs.
The Underwater Observatory Marine Park, Eilat
The Underwater Observatory Marine Park, situated at the edge of the coral reef reserve of Eilat, on the Red Sea, is one of the most impressive underwater observatories around the world. It offers visitors a close look at astonishing Red Sea marine life both above and below the sea surface. The Park maintains extensive exhibits of fish and other living tropical creatures, including corals, sharks turtles and Stingrays. The marine park strives to help sustain the fragile marine life of the small yet beautiful Israeli coral reef, by conducting a long term educational enhancement program. In this unique “adopt a coral” program, school children cultivate over a one year period coral fragments that were broken from the reefs of Eilat as a result of storms or accidents, and transplant them back into the reef once recovered. The children also follow the survival and growth of the corals after transplantation by SCUBA diving. The park also serves as a sanctuary for wounded and sick marine animals, which are carefully treated there before being released back to sea.
Dolphin Reef, Eilat
On the Israeli shores of the Red Sea, lays the Dolphin Reef of Eilat. A unique ecological site attracting visitors from throughout the world, coming to enjoy a natural atmosphere, magical views, and above all the unusual opportunity to meet and observing dolphins in their natural habitat. A group of “bottlenose” dolphins maintain their daily routine of hunting, playing, courting and socializing at the reef. They are free to choose between human company or to continue their daily routine in the group. The desire to deepen the bond between man and the marine environment is put into practice at the reef in a different way than in other places in the world, starting with the physical conditions at the site and continuing with the warm attitude towards the dolphins. The special bond between the trainers and the dolphins at the site enables a very special program called ‘Supportive Experience with the Aid of Dolphins’ for children suffering from many different disorders and diseases. The reef also hosts the ‘Dolphin Behavior Research Laboratory’ which examines in a non-invasive manner various aspects of dolphin behavior, communication and dolphin assisted therapy.
Tourism - SouthEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Underwater Observatory. . |