Sheketak Performance Announcement

SHEKETAK Performance

  •   ISRAEL Pavilion hosts  SHEKETAK  “Rhythm in Motion” Show at Ocean Plaza

    Meaning ‘Break the Silence’, Israeli sensation, SHEKETAK with its 12 performers, presents dance, rhythm, music and humor in harmony, capturing the essence of Israeli spirit.
    Hosted by the Israeli pavilion 4 times daily, SHEKETAK “Rhythm in Motion” is an energetic, powerful, funny and exciting show. SHEKETAK will be performing from May 21-24.
    SHEKETAK  Rhythm in Motion
    When: May 21-24 (Mon – Thu)
    Time: 11.00, 12.30, 15.30, 18.30    
             (performance is 30 minutes)
    Where: Ocean Plaza

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