Finance & Trade
  • Economics & Trade

  • Economics & Trade

    • The Minister of Communications will obligate social media networks operating in Israel to act with legal responsibility, deal with offensive illegal content, and operate a reporting hotline.
    • As part of a new program to encourage foreign movie productions in Israel, 12 foreign productions were approved this week for filming in Israel
    • PM Lapid: This year, we are also celebrating 70 years of relations between our countries, and this is further proof of their growing strength - diplomatically and economically.
    • Israel was ranked number 1 in patent registration applications, 7th place for Market sophistication 6th for business sophistication, and 7th for knowledge and technology outputs.
    • Agriculture Minister Oded Forer and his Bahraini counterpart, H.E. Wael Bin Nasser Al Mubarak, sign historic declaration of agricultural cooperation