Koncert Yossi Arnheima a Irit Rub-Leviovej
Milí priatelia,
dňa 9. marca 2015 sa v Bratislave uskutočnil klasický koncert izraelských umelcov Yossi Arnheima a Irit Rub-Leviovej, ktorý sa konal v spolupráci s Veľvyslanectvom Izraela na Slovensku. Koncert zožal veľký úspech medzi hosťami. Nechýbala medzi nimi ani mladšia generácia, študenti Konzervatória Bratislava, pre ktorých si počas dňa pán Arnheim a pani Rub-Leviová pripravili workshop.
Dear friends,
on March 2015 a classical concert of Israeli artists Yossi Arnheim and Irit Rub Levi took place in Bratislava, in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel in Slovakia. The concert was met with a great success. Guests were joined also by a young generation, students of the Conservatory Bratislava, with whom Mr. Arnheim and Mrs. Rub-Levi organized a workshop during the day.