General Information

General Information - English



    a. Address of the mission
    Embaixada de Israel
    SES Av. Das Naçoes, Quadra 809, Lote 38
    CEP- 70424-900 Brasilia DF
    b. Reception hours for consular services
    The mission operates from Monday to Friday.
    Reception hours: 09:00-12:00
    For a list of days that the mission will be closed (due to holidays) please click here​.
    c. Telephone reception hours for consular services
    Telephone reception hours for consular services are between 09:00-13:00 at the following numbers:   
    061-2105-0514 (Hebrew and English) 
    061-2105-0544 (Portuguese and English) 

    For more information please contact the embassy consular service: 
    (Portuguese and English) 
    ​(English and Hebrew)
    d. Jurisdiction

    The mission’s area of jurisdiction is The Federative Republic of Brazil.
    e. Security instructions for people who wish to obtain consular services at the mission offices
    1. Please bring a photo ID.
    2. Every visitor and his belongings will be required to undergo a security check.
    3. For security purposes, no personal objects will be allowed into the mission, including handbags, mobile phones and electronic devices.
    4. Do not bring large handbags or suitcases to the mission.
    5. Do not bring food and/or beverage bottles or containers.
    6. The mission’s security directives apply to people in the consular waiting room. The instructions of the security staff must be obeyed at all times.
    f. Mailing material to the mission

    Material that is mailed to the Consular Department at the mission must be only sent to and collected from the following address:
    Embaixada de Israel
    SES Av. Das Naçoes, Quadra 809, Lote 38
    CEP- 70424-900 Brasilia DF

    All the posted materials are received and sent by SEDEX or SEDEX 10.
    The sender is responsible for material mailed to the mission.
    It is important to stress that there are cases in which you are required to visit the mission in person. For more detailed information, see the section on Consular Services in Chapter 2.
    g. List of qualified translators who work with the mission

    If there is a need for document translation services from the local language into Hebrew or vice versa click here to obtain a list of translators.
    This list does not constitute a recommendation for any of the translators appearing on the list.
    Use of the services of the various translators is the responsibility of the person utilizing the services.
    h. List of criminal attorneys

    Below is a list of attorneys who specialize in criminal law, whose services can be retained if necessary. The mission is not permitted or authorized to recommend any particular attorney (click here to download a list of attorneys)
    This list does not constitute a recommendation for any of the attorneys appearing on the list. Use of the services of the various attorneys is the responsibility of the person utilizing the services.
    i. Verification of public documents
    There are two possibilities for verifying a public document:
    1. Verification by means of apostille

    In 1978, Israel signed and ratified the Hague Convention Abolishing the  1961 (hereinafter:
    -Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents  the Hague Convention). The purpose of this Convention was to shorten the processes required for a particular country to recognize the official documents issued by another country, by means of apostille certification.
    Public documents and certificates that were issued in one of the countries that are signatories to the above Convention, and which bear the apostille stamp, are valid for presentation in Israel, without the need for additional verification / certification by the diplomatic / consular representative at the Israeli mission.
    Additionally, for countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention, no additional verification is required by the mission consul of the country for which the document is designated, if it was stamped with an apostille in Israel.
    With regard to a list of the countries that signed the Convention, and details about the authority competent to grant apostille certification in each country, as well as additional information, click on the following link:
    Brazil is not a signatory to the 1961 Hague Convention therefore; all Public documents and certificates should be validated through the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (Itamaraty).
    2. Verification by means other than apostille
    Verification of a document in a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention should be implemented as follows:
    After the document is verified by the competent authority in the foreign country (usually the Foreign Ministry or Ministry of Justice), the Israeli consular representative verifies the signature of the competent authority.
    j. Contacts and inquiries about improving the service provided to the citizens

    • Email can be sent to the following address:  ou ​
    • For feedback on the quality of service provided to the citizens by the mission, click on the following link:
    k. The main laws of the State of Israel on which consular work abroad is based, are as follows:

     with all the amendments thereto
    - 1950 -• The Law of Return, 5710  over the years.
     with all the
    - 1952 -• The Entry into Israel Law, 5712  amendments thereto over the years.
    - 1952 -• The Law of Citizenship, 5712  with all the amendments thereto over the years.
    -• The Passports Law, 5712   with all the amendments thereto over the years.-1952
    • The Names Law, 5716  with all the amendments thereto over the years.
    - 1956 -
    • The Population  with all the amendments thereto over the
    - 1965 -Registration Law, 5725  years.
     with all the amendments thereto over
    - 1976 -• The Notaries Law, 5736  the years.
     1986 and
    -• The Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version), 5747   with all the amendments thereto over the-the authority to implement it abroad  years.
     1981-• The Crime Register and Rehabilitation of Offenders Law, 5741   with all the amendments thereto over the years.
    l. Details of the Jewish Agency aliya emissary
    Below are details on the Jewish Agency emissary in your area:
     Jewish Agency’s aliya emissary in Sao Paulo:
    Agência Judaica de Int. Cultural
    Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima,1713
    Sâo Paulo – SP
    CEP 01452-001
    Tel: 011-3518-8777
    Jewish Agency’s aliya emissary in Rio de Janeiro:
    Agência Judaica de Int. Cultural
    Av. Nossa Sra. De Copacabana, 680-cj. 1104
    Rio de Janeiro – RJ
    CEP 22050-000
    Tel: 021-2548-2388

    m. Local characteristics
    • Brazilian citizens do not require tourist visa to visit Israel.
    • To obtain the list of the Brazilian Foreign ministry offices authorized to validate Public documents and certificates please click here.