PM Netanyahu comments on NYT article by Marwan Barghouti 18 April 2017

PM Netanyahu comments on NYT article by Marwan Barghouti

    Calling Barghouti a 'political leader' is like calling Assad a 'pediatrician.' They are murderers and terrorists. We will never lose our sense of clarity because we are on the side of justice and they are on the side that is neither just nor moral.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​ (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (18 April 2017), at Maimouna festivities in Dimona, made the following remarks:
    "I read, on Sunday, the article in the New York Times that presents arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti as a 'parliamentarian and leader'. The paper recanted after we pointed it out to them. Calling Barghouti a 'political leader' is like calling Assad a 'pediatrician.' They are murderers and terrorists. We will never lose our sense of clarity because we are on the side of justice and they are on the side that is neither just nor moral.
    This moral clarity, the readiness to defend our country, the readiness to fight those who would destroy us, is one of our greatest strengths, alongside love of Israel.
    Love of Israel is expressed in this abundance, this beauty and this heat. We will continue to develop our country and we will continue to safeguard it.
    I would like to wish you all a happy holiday. Enjoy!"