Water Delegation

Israeli Water Delegation in Bengaluru

    As part of our activities we have the first water delegation from Israel visiting Bengaluru on February 11 and 12, 2015. Present at the event were Israel's Director General of the Ministry of Economy, Mr. Amit Lang, Consul General Mr. Menahem Kanafi and Israeli Consul for Trade and Economic Affairs Mr. Avi Friedman. Accompanying them were other officials from the Ministry of Economy, including Mr. Ohad Cohen, Head of the Foreign Trade Administration at the Ministry of Economy and Mr. Hanan Carmeli, Israel's Deputy Chief Scientist.
    Quote from Director General of Ministry of Economy, Amit Lang
    The Israeli Ministry of Economy has identified India as a target country for international cooperation and we provide support to promote the success of such relationships.
    Quote from Trade Consul for Trade and Economics, Avi Friedman
    This is the first time that an Israeli water delegation (government and private) has come to Bengaluru. This delegation is targeted towards leading Indian water tech companies seeking to expand their business in Israel and global markets. The visiting Israeli delegates specialize in advanced water solutions in drinking water, waste water treatment, water disinfection desalination, oil & gas, ballast water, industrial applications, lift irrigation projects and odor control. Israelis are best in the world when it comes to agriculture, IT, new water technologies and security. 80 percent of water is recycled in Israel. We invented the drip irrigation which is by regulation in Karnataka compulsory for sugarcane production.