Katomon Cherry

KATAMON CHERRY – Israel Jazz Band in Bengaluru

  •   KATAMON CHERRY – Israel Jazz Band in Bengaluru

    ​The Israeli Jazz band "Katamon Cherry" has arrived to Chennai and Bangalore for couple of jazz shows and musical events.

    On Monday they conducted a Jazz workshop for young musicians in the Bangalore School of Music, as part of "East-West Music&Dance Encounter" festival (13.2-4.3).

    In the auditorium were presence also the young kids from Sukrupa School, unprivileged kids, that strive to finis...h their studies in the educational NGO with much focus on music fields.

    When the band invited the audience to come up on stage and play some Jazz improvisations together, the kids decided to go up as one, and to perform with a song they've just recently learnt in school.

    After listening to their perfect voices and harmony once, "Katamon Cherry" members asked them to repeat the show but now with the backup of the band and the instruments.



  • <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5od5Q993cMM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>