Investment delegation

Investment Delegation

    A delegation headed by Ms. Ziva Eger, Chief Executive of International Investment from International Investments and Industrial Cooperation, Authority,  Mr. Oded Distel,  Director of Investment Promotion Center, Ministry of Economy, Israel, will be in Bangalore on Wednesday,  August 12 2015.  Their focus is on raising awareness and possibilities of investing in Israel, among the conglomerates dedicated investment arm and or companies who have already invested in foreign countries, targeting ICT, Water, Pharmaceutical, Energy and So on.
    Top scores on global indexes of economic competitiveness, a striking concentration of innovative people, a culture that promotes experimentation and daring, and governmental eagerness to create supportive conditions for investors, combine to make Israel a leading site of investment far beyond what its small size and short history might suggest. An entrepreneurial powerhouse, Israel is a hotbed of pioneering technologies, profitable business opportunities, and high investment returns. That's why the world's leading multinational companies have all made the choice for Israel. Microsoft, Motorola, Google, Apple, Facebook, Berkshire-Hathaway, Intel, HP, Siemens, GE, IBM, Philips, Lucent, AOL, Cisco, Applied Materials, IBM, J&J, EMC, and Toshiba spark the long list of over 200 MNCs who have realized that Israel is their ideal choice for investment. The reasons that Israel is the preferred spot of multinationals for business are endless. Here, we've sketched out the top ten.  
    Kindly ref to this link for more information: