Indo-Israeli Homeland Security conference

Indo-Israeli Homeland Security conference

    Israel's homeland security portal, offers a broad coverage of HLS issues and innovative technologies from Israel and abroad. A group of experienced personnel gathered here today shared their skills and expertise in the Homeland Security Sector.
    Bangalore Police Commissioner Mr. MN Reddi spoke about the current challenges in the field to provide a safe city for the citizens. Topics like women abuse and keeping our metro safe from different types of threats and terror attacks, i.e. 26/11 closer home and 9/11 in the United States, were discussed. Secretary of Revenue Disaster Management Mr. Gaurav Gupta spoke about saving lives during a large scale disaster. The recent Jammu & Kashmir flood—how a city can cope with such a large scale disaster especially when so many lives are lost.
    Since we live in the 21st century the development of cyber space is humongous around the world, we need to keep our cyber safe from various threats. Partner of Israel’s JVP Cyber Labs Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski spoke about the Israeli perspective of cyber innovations and the challenges. Consul for Trade and Economic Affairs Mr. Avi Friedman discussed the business opportunities in the Israeli Homeland security sector.
    This conference today is an initiative to provide a platform for the International Conference on Homeland Security in Israel from November 9 to November 12, 2014. A large delegation of approximately 100 officials and private companies is expected to participate in the conference in Israel.
    Quote from Consul General  Menahem Kanafi
    No country – or industry – is an island. Cooperation is necessary across the board – pooling of resources including manpower and markets, conducting joint R&D and exploring new markets together – these all require alliances, new, strong alliances based on mutual trust and mutual benefit. At the HLS 2014 Israel exhibition segment, you will be able to experience firsthand the entire spectrum of Israeli HLS technologies – from large multinationals to smaller innovative startups; but more importantly, you will be able to make valuable contacts for future business.
    Quote from Home Minister KJ George
    Our biggest challenge, however, is terrorism. As India has so painfully experienced, devastating attacks can come at any time and in any place – even peaceful Karnataka State. Whether it is Naxal forces, or terror organizations from without, we must be ever vigilant against these murderous threats. Our State forces are in the front line of this struggle. Our enemies have the element of surprise. We need to counter this with intelligence in all weather conditions, advanced technologies and appropriate training.