Hanukkah, “Festivals of Light” Celebration

Hanukkah, “Festivals of Light” Celebration

  •   Hanukkah, “Festivals of Light” Celebration
    The Consulate General of Israel to South India and The Den Hotel, Bengaluru, hosted a celebration of the Israeli Festival of Lights, Hanukkah. The essence of this holiday is celebrating miracles, the miracle of a small amount of oil providing light for 8 days; A metaphor for the victory of light over darkness.
    This was the 8th and last day of Hanukkah, and dignitaries lit the 8 candles of the Israeli “Diya” called “Hanukkiah”. They also spoke of the meaning of a miracle for them, and their culture. Symbolically, the event was held at the Israeli restaurant Layla, which means night in Hebrew, and the candles lit up the night. The candle lighting was followed by a cocktail dinner and screening of the award winning, Israeli film, “Zero Motivation”. This is also the finale of a week-long Israeli Film Festival at the Den Hotel.
    This is a time of the year when the different religions celebrate their festivals. It is a time which symbolizes much of the bond between India and Israel; two vibrant, innovative countries, rooted in deep heritage and multiculturalism. Countries where despite all differences, people from various ethnicities, cultures and faiths unite to celebrate and rejoice in the victory of light over darkness.
    For the first time, the Israeli Consulate in Bengaluru has celebrated Hanukkah in an Israeli hotel. The Israeli music and the fabulous Israeli food, provided by the Den Hotel, the first Israeli hotel in India, truly offered a sense of Israeli holiday to our Indian friends.
    Consul General Ms. Dana Kursh: “It was very meaningful for me to celebrate the Israeli/Jewish festival of lights - Hanukkah - this evening. Like in Diwali, also our festival of lights celebrates the miracle of victory of light over Darkness. Tonight we celebrated another miracle, the miracle of the unique partnership between Israel and India. In the first Israeli hotel in in India, in Naama Bengaluru, we rejoice the ties between our two peoples.
    Vinesh Gupta, General Manager, Den Hotel, Bengaluru: “The Den, being a part of Dan Hotels Israel, is proud to celebrate Hanukkah in collaboration with the Consulate General of Israel, to showcase the Israeli culture and cuisine in India. Truly living to our democratic values of “Sarvadharma Sambhava”, The Den always strives to celebrate all cultures and festivities in full spirit.”

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