Combating Violence against Women and Children

Combating Violence against Women and Children

    MASHAV – Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem, Israel Over the past two decades more and more attention has been given to the issue of violence against women and children, starting with the Fourth World Conference in Beijing.
    In October, 2006 an in depth study was launched by the UN Secretary–General on all forms of violence against women. The study was very broad and shed light on the extent and prevalence of different forms and manifestations of violence against women. It also set the stage for initiating and continuing the necessary work at the national level in the field of violence against women.
    According to UNESCO, violence against women remains one of the most fundamental obstacles to the achievement of women’s full human rights worldwide. Violence against women includes multiple types of violence; physical, psychological, sexual and economic, and affects women of all origins and social situations. Despite international, regional and national laws and conventions to prevent violence, and despite States’ commitments to punish and eventually eradicate violence against women, this violence persists, and in some cases even increases. One of the persistent difficulties in implementing effective policies to combat violence against women is the need for real research and understanding about the underlying causes of this violence, rooted in persistent gender inequalities, and in social constructions of masculinities and femininities which act to normalize and reproduce relations of violence between the sexes. Policies which are not based on this comprehension of the nature of violence against women and its causes, cannot tackle the underlying social structures and constructions which lead to violence.
    This 25-day workshop will allow participants to learn from the best practices in the areas of service provision, intervention and policy. The workshop content will also relate to new crisis assessments and prevention approaches.  

    The objectives of the workshop are to:

    •  Analyze social policy as it relates to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
      Examine the theory and knowledge of various intervention models and techniques for developing and managing services. 
    •  Discuss ways in which to engage men and boys in violence prevention programs.
    • Examine globally cross-cutting forms of violence such as trafficking in human beings.
    • Discuss issues related to working with the judicial system and police.
    • Analyze causes of violence against women, including migrants and refugees, as well as means of intervention.
    • Exchange experiences and ideas on concepts, programs and methodologies applied in the participants’ respective countries, as well as in Israel.

    STUDIES: Lectures, field visits, written study material and use of the library, internet and WI-FI.

    ROOM AND BOARD: Two students per room (linen, hot water, heating), all meals included and laundry facilities on the premises.
    CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: Excursions to historical and religious sites.
    **EU countries are not eligible for MASHAV scholarships
    TRAVEL: International travel fares are the responsibility of the candidate or his/her sponsoring organization. Passports and visas must be valid for the period of the workshop and include an entry visa into Israel. Two additional passport-size photographs are also required for various documents.
    BOOKING: The date and flight number of the booking to Israel must be confirmed to assure arrival on February 1, as the opening of the workshop will take place on February 2, 2015 in the morning.
    The date of departure from the Center should be on February 26, 2015 at night, or AT THE LATEST on February 27, 2015 as the closing ceremony will be in the afternoon of February 26.
    CRITERIA: The Workshop is intended for professionals working in human service organizations, government and local authorities officials; NGO’s representatives ; police officers and lawyers; psychologists, heads of crisis centers or teams, health care and social security programs.
    A good command of spoken and written English is essential.
    POB, 6111—Haifa 31060, Israel
    ++ 972 4 8375904 : Telephone
    ++ 972 4 8375913 : Fax
    HEALTH SERVICES: Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care, eyeglasses, or the period of pregnancy. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years.
    You can find the application on our website
    **Application forms should be sent to the Israeli Diplomatic and/or Consular Representatives serving the applicant's country. They are to be submitted no later than DECEMBER 20th, 2014.
    Contact: Janica Rao at