Cabinet communique

 Cabinet communique

    ​​Iran does not hide its intention to continue its murderous aggression. Perhaps there is someone among the great powers who is prepared to capitulate to this reality that Iran is dictating - Israel will not pay the price for this.
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    PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 12 July 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The ruler of Iran, Khameini, is quoted as saying that Iran needs to plan to fight the US regardless of whether there is an agreement. The President of Iran, Rohani, stands at the head of the march of hatred in the streets of Tehran, in which US and Israeli flags were burned, and in which many chanted 'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel.' All of this is happening as the parade of concessions to Iran continues in Vienna, concessions even on issues that had been marked as red lines in the Lausanne package, which is a bad deal in its own right. It paves Iran's way to many nuclear bombs and gives it hundreds of billions of dollars for its terrorism and conquest machine, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world.
    Iran does not hide its intention to continue its murderous aggression even against those with whom it is negotiating. Perhaps there is someone among the great powers who is prepared to capitulate to this reality that Iran is dictating, which includes its unending calls for the destruction of Israel – we will not pay the price for this.
    On Friday afternoon, I went to Ashkelon and met with the family of Avra Mengistu. We are doing everything in our ability to bring Avra back to Israel. We are also in contact with the family of an additional Israeli citizen, who also crossed the border into the Gaza Strip, in order to bring him back to Israel too.
    We expect the international community, which is constantly calling for humanitarian aid for the residents of Gaza, to intervene and demand the most simple and basic humanitarian assistance from Hamas – returning to Israel its two citizens.
    Last Thursday, I called for the convening of roundtable discussions led by Cabinet Secretary Avichai Mandelblit and Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky on a range of issues regarding all streams of Judaism. I also requested that representatives of the streams participate in the discussions. Israel is a home for all Jews. The Government of Israel serves all Israeli citizens – secular and religious – regardless of which stream they come from."
    2. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to appoint Yosef Sharabi as Director General of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
    3. Pursuant to Article 7 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to appoint the following ministry director generals to the State Service Committee:
    * Eli Groner, Director General of the Prime Minister's Office;
    * Orna Hozman-Bechor, Director General of the Interior Ministry; and
    * Rotem Peleg, Director General of the Public Security Ministry.
    4. Pursuant to Article 31d of Basic Law: The Government, the Cabinet decided to transfer the National-Civic Service Authority from the Senior Citizens Ministry to the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry.
    5. The Cabinet approved draft amendments to the 2015 Planning and Construction Law.
    6. The Cabinet approved draft legislation on providing for the inclusion of birthdates according to the Hebrew calendar on driver's licenses.
    7. Prime Minister Netanyahu updated ministers on the nuclear agreement being formulated between Iran and the major powers. He said that it is a bad agreement that endangers both regional and global security and would allow Iran to attain a nuclear weapons capability and to continue supporting terrorism. The Prime Minister reviewed the concessions being made to Iran and said that remarks currently being made regarding the projected agreement recall those that were made at the signing of the agreement with North Korea.