Economic & Trade

Economic & Trade

  •   Mr. Joseph Avraham

    Joseph Avraham, arrived in India in 2021 to serve as the Consul for Trade and Economic Affairs of Israel at the Consulate General of Israel in Bangalore, India's high-tech capital. As part of this position, Joseph will be responsible for promoting Israeli exports, attracting foreign investment and strengthening economic ties between Israel and the states of Southern India: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Joseph is a graduate of the Economic Attaches Course of the Ministry of Economy and Industry (1994 class). He is a Major (Res.) in the IDF.  He has held a number of positions in the Ministry of Economy and Industry in Israel and abroad. Among other positions, he served as the economic attaché in South Africa (1996 to 2000), Boston USA (2003 - 2004), Houston, USA (2004 - 2007) and Istanbul, Turkey (2011 - 2015). He began his service in the Asia Department of the Foreign Trade Administration at the Ministry of Economy and Industry, participated in the first economic delegation to India, managed the North American desk from 2001 to 2003 which is responsible for the activities of Israel's economic attachés in the US and Canada. Joseph was in charge of investment promotion from 2007 to 2011 at the Investment Promotion Center in the Ministry of Economy and Industry and also served as a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Industry to the Investment Committee of the OECD. Between 2015 and 2021, Avraham served at the Directorate of Industries at the Ministry of Economy and Industry. Joseph holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Ben-Gurion University and an Executive MBA from the University of Haifa.                                                                                                          



    Joseph Avraham
    Consul for Trade and Economic Affairs
    Consulate General of Israel to South India