6 wonderful ways to cook with chickpeas

6 wonderful ways to cook with chickpeas

    The versatility of this tasty legume is virtually limitless.
  • Photo: margouillat photo/Shutterstock

    Put a little flair in your salad or stew

    chickpea rice salad
    Let your guests do the tossing for this salad. (Photo: Sarah Berkowitz)
    Salads and stews that include chickpeas make for a filling, hearty meal. We've got several chickpea salad and stew recipes in our Israeli Kitchen recipe collection. Here are just a few:

    Make out-of-this-world hummus

    Hummus dip
    Hummus dip is a crowd-pleaser. (Photo: Anna_Pustynnikova/Shutterstock)
    Hummus is pure, creamy dipping bliss. And it all starts with a heaping bunch of chickpeas, pureed with tahini, garlic and olive oil. We've got some clever variations on hummus and equally clever ways to use it in other recipes, all of which are undoubtedly worth trying, but there's nothing like a tried-and-true, classic hummus recipe to make your party guests want to dive in and keep dipping.

    Fry 'em up into falafel

    Falafel is fried chickpea, but to you, it's a crispy ball of goodness. (Photo: Slawomir Fajer/Shutterstock)
    Increasingly popular around the world, falafel joints dispense hot, crunchy falafel balls packed into fresh pita bread and topped with all kinds of relishes. It's hard to stop eating, but not hard to make at home. Here's our easy, can't-go-wrong recipe. For a double-chickpea delight, add hummus to the pita before plopping falafel into it.


    Stuff 'em in a sambusak

    Chickpea sambusak
    Chickpea sambusak (Photo: Miriam Kresh)
    Don't you love stuffed stuff?
    These savory Mediterranean turnover pastries, similar to hand pies, are stuffed with a variety of fillings, from ground lamb or beef to chickpeas to chicken to spinach. We like the chickpea version best because it's easily applied to any occasion or meal, from appetizer to lunchbox item. It's also great to have on hand frozen when guests are coming and you need something to offer, in a hurry.

    Roast 'em for a delicious, healthy snack

    spicy roasted chickpeas
    Snack away on these flavorful, healthful roasted chickpeas. (Photo: koss13/Shutterstock)
    Mark Bittman, author of "How to Cook Everything," says it takes cooked chickpeas about 30 minutes to become crisp, either in the oven or on the stovetop. That's plenty of time to get the kids to bed, feed the dog, pour a glass of wine, power up Netflix, set up a cute serving bowl, and make these roasted chickpeas for you and your honey to snack on while you relax.

    Harvest the liquid for a fantastic egg substitute

    Chickpea liquid, also called aquafaba, is a great egg substitute.
    Chickpea liquid, also called aquafaba, is a great egg substitute. (Photo: EQRoy/Shutterstock)
    If you're as big a fan as we are of the Mediterranean diet – a diet that's been linked to all manner of benefits, including brain and breast health – then you'll want to keep this trick handy. French chef Joël Roessel discovered a brilliant use for the liquid left over from cooked chickpeas – yes, the liquid you usually pour down the drain after you're done making all the delicious recipes we listed above. It's even got a fun name – aquafaba! Whip it up just like you would egg whites, and you get a lighter-than-air, frothy substance that's perfect for meringue, custard or any recipe that calls for eggs.