Special Cabinet meeting in honor of Jerusalem Day 19 May 2015

Special Cabinet meeting in honor of Jerusalem Day

    PM Netanyahu: We will make several important decisions today about the development of Jerusalem. We will not go back to a divided city, a torn city, a city with barbed wire fences and snipers on the walls.
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    34th Government of Israel on Jerusalem Day 34th Government of Israel on Jerusalem Day Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 19 May 2015), made the following remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting:
    "I am pleased to open this festive meeting of the Israeli Cabinet at the Israel Museum. The Israel Museum is, first of all, the museum of Israel. I remember how I came here as a youth. Since then there has been dramatic development, of course, and this magnificent cultural institution has been established the fiftieth anniversary of which we are celebrating.
    This institution reflects three things: First, it shows our link to the land in the most dramatic exhibit, one of humanity's most important archaeological finds – the Dead Sea Scrolls. While there are also many other finds that teach about our connection to our land, this exhibit, given its cultural and historical significance, is without peer. The second thing that we see here is the great cultural treasure of the Jewish people in the country and around the world. Of course, this symbolizes our contribution to humanity. The third thing that we see here is the culture of humanity as a whole as seen in amazing artistic and archaeological exhibits that also, perhaps, express the fact that there is an exhibit here about the brief history of humankind. It is based on a provocative and interesting book that was written – I believe – by a professor here in Israel.
    And indeed, these three things, I note them in order to how the great difference between the cultural flowering, the cultural freedom and the cultural creativity in the State of Israel and what is happening around us – the destruction of cultural treasures, the destruction of the idea of freedom, and the physical destruction of people in an effort to destroy ideas, by Islamic fanatics. We promote culture at home and defend ourselves and – in my opinion – humanity as a whole from outside threats.
    This is connected to continuing to deal with Jerusalem, Mr. Mayor. Together we are working on great momentum in many areas and in many cultural institutions, and in the highway to Jerusalem. Everyone sees this. You see this as you travel here, and not just to Jerusalem, to around it, in its accessibility and in the railway that we are laying through the hills. This is the development that we are advancing in the heart of Jerusalem, in its neighborhoods, including those on its outskirts, and there is still much to do. I am certain that we will hear from you. I would like to congratulate you on this important effort and also tell you that we will persist on this, with all government ministers.
    We will make several important decisions today about the development of Jerusalem just as we always do on its festive day, on the day of its liberation. We do not wish to go backwards and those speak with nostalgia about those days apparently do not live here. We will not go back to a divided city, a torn city, a city with barbed wire fences and snipers on the walls. This will not happen and we will see to it that it does not happen. This is not to say that there are no problems or tasks – there are many, there is also distress. We want to provide solutions and we will continue to develop it at the same pace that we see around us.
    Today the Cabinet will appoint several ministerial committees. We have much work to do. I have asked to form a ministerial committee under my leadership to deal with the plight of Israeli citizens of Ethiopian descent. They deserve equal treatment, they have rights and we will see to it that they enjoy these rights like all Israeli citizens.
    I would like to wish all ministers that we work together, successfully, for the citizens of Israel. They expect no less and thus we will do."

    The Cabinet today (Tuesday, 19 May 2015) approved a series of decisions the goal of which is to strengthen the city of Jerusalem and prepare for the 50th anniversary of its unification:
    * A plan will be formulated on the economic development of Jerusalem in 2016-2020 focusing on growth engines to strengthen the city. It will be budgeted starting in 2016.
    * In order to prepare for the 50th anniversary of the unification of the city, the Cabinet established a preparatory team (in the framework of a ministerial committee) for events to be held in 2017. The team will formulate and approve a plan to celebrate the 50th anniversary that will include various events in the fields of education, tourism, culture and sports, with emphasis on the 2017 Maccabiah games.
    * A five-year, 2016-2020, plan will be formulated on upgrading infrastructures and encouraging visits to the Western Wall plaza including continued development of the Western Wall plaza and tunnels, the preservation of archaeological finds, upgrading transportation infrastructure, and expanded educational activity for students and soldiers. The full plan will be submitted for Cabinet approval within two weeks.
    The Cabinet decided to allocate structures in Jerusalem for cultural and recreational use.

    The Cabinet today decided to transfer Jerusalem affairs to the Prime Minister's Office and to change the name of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs to the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs.
    The Cabinet approved the appointments of the following deputy ministers:
    MK Yaakov Litzman as Deputy Health Minister
    MK Meir Porush as Deputy Education Minister
    MK Tzipi Hotovely as Deputy Foreign Minister
    MK Yitzhak Cohen as Deputy Finance Minister
    MK Meshullam Nahari as Deputy Social Affairs and Social Services Minister;
    MK Ayoub Kara as Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister; and
    MK Eli Ben-Dahan as Deputy Defense Minister.
    The Cabinet also decided to:
    * Authorize the Communications Minister to be responsible for implementing the Israel Broadcasting Authority Law;
    * Divide the Intelligence Ministry into the Intelligence and Strategic Affairs ministries; and
    * Transfer responsibility for the overall work of the World Zionist Organization Settlement Division to the Prime Minister's Office and the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry.

    The Cabinet approved the appointment of the ministerial committee on socio-economic affairs (the Socio-Economic Cabinet), the ministerial committee on legislation and the ministerial committee on planning, construction, land and housing (the Housing Cabinet).