Netanyahu Remarks on the Opening of the UN General Assembly

Netanyahu Remarks on the Opening of the UNGA


    Prime Minister Netanyahu offered remarks following the opening of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:


    I appreciate President Obama’s statement that Iran’s conciliatory words will have to be matched by action that is transparent and verifiable. I look forward to discussing this with the president in Washington next week. Iran thinks that soothing words and token actions will enable it to continue on its path to the bomb. Like North Korea before it, Iran will try to remove sanctions by offering cosmetic concessions while preserving its ability to rapidly build a nuclear weapon at a time of its choosing. Israel would welcome a genuine diplomatic solution that truly dismantles Iran’s capacity to develop nuclear weapons, but we will not be fooled by half measures that merely provide a smokescreen for Iran’s continual pursuit of nuclear weapons, and the world should not be fooled either.
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