Israel votes 17 March 2015

Israel votes

    The Central Elections Committee has published the final unofficial results of the elections for the 20th Knesset - the Likud has won 30 seats and the Zionist Camp 24. President Reuven Rivlin will begin party consultations on Sunday, March 22.
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    President Rivlin casts his vote for the 20th Knesset President Rivlin casts his vote for the 20th Knesset Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    The Central Elections Committee has published the final unofficial results of the elections for the 20th Knesset (the official elections results will be announced on March 25, 2015.)

    With all votes counted, the Likud has won 30 seats and the Zionist Camp 24. The Joint Arab List placed third with 13 seats, followed by Yesh Atid with 11, Kulanu with 10, Bayit Yehudi with 8, Shas with 7, Yisrael Beytenu and United Torah Judaism with 6 each, and Meretz with 5 - the last party to pass the minimum threshold for election.

    President Reuven Rivlin will begin meeting with party representatives on Sunday, March 22, to ask the party heads for recommendations as to who they prefer as prime minister. He will assign the task of forming the next government to the Knesset member considered to have the best chance of forming a viable coalition.

    Final election results
    Click to enlarge

    The numbers

    Voter turnout was high - 72.36% - with more than 4.25 million of the 5,881,696 eligible voters casting their ballots.

    Total votes: 4,253,336, of which 43,869 were disqualified.

    The number of votes required to pass the minimum threshold of 3.25% was 136,808, leaving a total of 4,017,890 votes to be translated into Knesset seats. The number of votes for each Knesset seat: 33,482.