FM Liberman addresses the Jerusalem Post Conference in New York 6 April 2014

FM Liberman addresses the Jerusalem Post Conference in New York

    ​After the unilateral Palestinian move, it is impossible to return to the package deal that was reached with the Palestinians as if nothing has happened and to release hundreds of terrorists.
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    FM Liberman meeting with New York Mayor Bill De Blasio in New York FM Liberman meeting with New York Mayor Bill De Blasio in New York Copyright: MFA
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister’s Bureau)
    Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman today (Sunday April 6 2014) addressed the Jerusalem Post Conference being held in New York and stated that "The unilateral Palestinian move is tantamount to extortion. After taking such a dramatic step, it is impossible to return to the package deal that was reached with the Palestinians as if nothing has happened and to release hundreds of terrorists.
    Israel is prepared to continue with the negotiations and discuss all issues, at any time, anywhere in the world, but the the previous offer is no longer relevant.  In fact, in the current situation, the Israeli political system is faced with three options:  The first, to accede to the Palestinian threats, return to routine and release hundreds of terrorists.  The second option is to change the composition of the coalition. The third option is to call for elections. The first two options are unacceptable to 'Yisrael Beyteinu,’ and if the alternative is to surrender to Palestinian threats or pay huge amounts to maintain the coalition - it is preferable to go to the polls."