Η Δανάη Μπεζαντάκου και ο Δημήτρης Πόγκας επισκέφτηκαν το Ισραήλ και χαιρόμαστε πολύ για το ταξίδι τους.
Όπως είπε και ο Δημήτρης: "Είναι μεγάλη τιμή να συμπεριλαμβάνομαι στους Ευρωπαίους ηγέτες του Μέλλοντος και στο ταξίδι που κάνουμε στην Ιερουσαλήμ και το Τελ Αβίβ, που διοργανώνεται απο το Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών του Ισραήλ. Για 4 ημέρες, 38 συμμετέχοντες απο 21 ευρωπαϊκές χώρες θα γνωρίσουμε το οικοσύστημα καινοτομίας και επιχειρηματικότητας της χώρας."
Επέστρεψαν με τις καλύτερες των εντυπώσεων.
Τον Σεπτέμβριο 6-12, διεξάγεται και η DLD Festival στο Τελ Αβίβ. Αν σας ενδιαφέρει, μη το χάσετε!
Δείτε εδώ πληροφορίες http://www.dldtelaviv.com/
Festival schedule
Various events by Amazon, Google, Microsoft, PWC,intel , The Game Developers Conference, Facebook , Bank Leumi , GarageGeeks, the EU, start ups and accelerators shows and others. Check
www.dldtelaviv.com site for details and more information.
Monday - 7th September: a.m. "City Summit Tel Aviv- Cracking the Innovation Code"
Tuesday - Wednesday, 8th - 9 th September: DLD Tel Aviv Digital Conference with keynotes, discussions, workshops, topical breakouts and networking opportunities, tens of other events.
Tuesday, 8th September; evening Rothcild Blvd Urban Experience- Ten's of meetups taking place in bars and venues all along Rothchild Blvd.
Wednesday 9th september: The israel game developers Association annual conference
The 8th annual game development day has been an integral part of the DLD Tel Aviv Innovation festival from the get go, always hosting a mix of local and international talent.
After the success of
previous GameIS events, with participation of executives from Microsoft , Google, Unity as well as co-hosted Facebook's largest gamedev event out of the USA , alongside well known industry leaders like Bobby Kotick, Peter Molyneux, Bonnie Ross, Nancy Tellem, David Helgeson and Marcin Iwinski just to name a few. We plan to feature this year a strong lineup of international speakers as well as a panel that showcases Israel's growing game development industry
GameIS, an NPO that has 1100 registered members and 3500 community members was founded four years ago, in order to represent, promote and grow the Israeli game development industry.
The last three years have shown substantial growth for the Israeli game development community, and we expect it to grow even more in the next three years. The fact that Israel is an international leader in both technology and innovation makes it a natural candidate for a game development center.