Εντυπώσεις από την Ελληνική αποστολή στο DLD Φεστιβάλ Καινοτομίας στο Τελ Αβίβ.

Η Ελληνική αποστολή στο DLD Φεστιβάλ Καινοτομίας

  •   Τελ Αβίβ, 3-6 Σεπτεμβρίου | Εντυπώσεις
    Στο DLD Φεστιβάλ Καινοτομίας του Τελ Αβίβ παρευρέθηκε Ελληνική αποστολή εταιρειών start up. Οι εταιρείες οι οποίες επιλέχθηκαν κατόπιν διαγωνισμών εταιρειών start up, να είναι μέρος της αποστολής ήταν οι: Geabit (κ. Βαγγέλης Καραθάνος), Innate Repair (κ. Ανδρέας Ανδρουτσέλλης - Θεοτόκης), Plexscape (κ. Λάμπρος Καλιακάτσος), ChainProof (κ. Εμμανουήλ Αδαμόπουλος), Nomada Honey Soda (κ. Μάνος Σμυρλάκης), Delivery.gr (κ. Νίκος Ιωάννου), Holiday Emotions (κ. Κώστας Παντής) και η εταιρεία AJM Med-i-caps (κ. Julio Georgiou).

    Τις εντυπώσεις από το ταξίδι μας έστειλαν οι ιδρυτές των εταιρειών Innate Repair, κ. Ανδρέας Ανδρουτσέλλης - Θεοτόκης και της Plexscape, κ. Λάμπρος Καλιακάτσος.

    • Innate Repair (κ. Ανδρέας Ανδρουτσέλλης - Θεοτόκης)

    "Recently I represented our startup venture, Innate Repair (www.innaterepair.com), in a delegation of eight companies that traveled to Israel. Innate Repair develops novel therapeutics to fight cancer stem cells, and our therapeutic approach is based on our own discoveries made over the last two decades. It is a spinout from the University of Dresden (a Center of Excellence in Germany - TU Dresden) with a strong Greek presence and interest.

    The trip was co-organized by the Israeli Embassy in Greece (Ισραήλ στην Ελλάδα | Israel in Greece) and by the MIT Enterprise Forum of Greece. Over the span of a few days we met investors, accelerators, incubators, successful startups, innovation foundations, etc. It was my second visit to Israel and I was surprised by how well I remembered the parts I had already seen, a year and a half earlier (my brain has limited storage space…). Here are a few bullet points that summarize my experience, in no specific order, for anyone interested:

    * Walking around Tel Aviv has a vibe very similar to walking around Athens center. It felt a bit like being in a new neighborhood at home. The sea breeze was very pleasant and familiar.

    * Tel Aviv has done a great job at making use of their beaches and giving residents easy and safe access.

    * You need to visit Jerusalem to really let this sink in: Three of the World’s most important religious buildings, belonging to three different religions are so close to each other that you could kick a football from one to the other (do not try this!). The Holy Sepulchre was built above both Golgotha (which you can see under glass surfaces) and the tomb of Jesus (according to religious belief).

    * The Israeli Military can act as an accelerator program: Several successful Tech startups told us that they developed their ideas while serving in the Army in Tech/programming posts. Then, they got permission to follow up their work after they completed their service.

    * The Israel Innovation Authority (the Government’s Department of Innovation) is housed in the same building as the stock market exchange. Now, that’s a statement for how they have chosen to boost their economy!

    * You might gain a few pounds if you visit Israel.

    * But they have outdoors gyms in parks and by the beach.

    * Electric scooters are very popular in Tel Aviv. They go faster than I would have imagined and they handle the uphill really well. They don't help you shed those pounds you gained (see above)

    * Israeli Startuppers really seemed to feel good about the success of other Israeli Startuppers.

    * Hanging out with the Greek Startup delegates was really a lot of fun. There was camaraderie and lots of laughter, but with people who are seriously very dedicated to what they do.

    * Our guides were great and took excellent care of us. Thanks, Omer!

    * It’s a no-brainer that Israel and Greece should cooperate. Israel is light-years ahead (it’s just how it is), so who would have to lead the way is probably established. But there are many smart and restless Greeks who are already doing very well and, with a bit of help from above (and I mean the Government, not further up) would do wonders.

    Andreas A.-T., CEO, Innate Repair

    P.S. Good, sneaky job, EL AL אל על, on your on-plane videos showing us amazing archaeological and tourist sites in Israel. Now, I need to go back soon. I’d like a seat on that Boeing 787 Dreamliner flight again, if possible."

    • Plexscape (κ. Λάμπρος Καλιακάτσος)

    "Great to meet leading tech companies, investors and startups from around the world at the DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival! Israel, the "Start-up Nation", is the beating heart of many innovations reshaping humanity - being in DLD festival, one of the largest technology conferences of Israel, was an excellent opportunity for us to network with investors and like-minded entrepreneurs." ​