Είναι πόσιμο το νερό που πίνετε;

Είναι πόσιμο το νερό που πίνετε;

    ​Είναι το νερό σας ασφαλές προς πόση; Η Ισραηλινή οικονομική συσκευή ΛΙΣΤΟΤ (που σημαίνει πίνω στα Εβραϊκά!) σας λέει με ασφάλεια αν το νερό σας είναι μολυσμένο ή πόσιμο. 

    How can you know if your water is really safe to drink?

    For the millions of people with dubious quality drinking water, or for anyone concerned about “boil-water advisories,” the Israeli startupLishtot has a quick-test solution: an inexpensive, reusable green light/red light device that takes about two seconds to tell you if the water is pure or contaminated.

    The technology can detect bacteria, heavy metals and organic pesticides based on changes in the water’s electronic properties. Lishtot (Hebrew for “to drink”) plans to introduce the first of its three products – a straw-scale pocket device retailing for less than $50 — by mid-2016.

    The Jerusalem-based company recently won the Global Entrepreneurship Network’s StartUp Open 2015 competition for Israel and will go on to the global contest in November. (Last year’s Israeli winner, the BreezoMeter app for monitoring air pollution, has gone on to great success.)​

