Ο μεγιστάνας Γουόρεν Μπάφετ επενδύει 22,5 εκατ. δολλάρια στην Ισραηλινή startup ενέργειας eVolution Networks

Γ.Μπάφετ - 22,5 εκατ. δολ σε Ισραηλινή startup!

  •   Ο μεγιστάνας Γουόρεν Μπάφετ επενδύει 22,5 εκατ. δολλάρια στην Ισραηλινή startup ενέργειας eVolution Networks

    ​Ο Γουόρεν Μπάφετ κάνει 4η είσοδο στην Ισραηλινή αγορά με την επένδυση 22,5 εκατ. δολλαρίων στην Ισραηλινή startup eVolution Networks για την ενέργεια. Με αυτή την επένδυση έχει πλέον μπει σε 4 διαφορετικούς τομείς της Ισραηλινής αγοράς.


    sraeli financial news outlet Globes reported on Tuesday that the Israeli startup eVolution Networks has succeeded in raising $22.5 million from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy holding company and GE Ventures. The Ramat Gan-based eVolution Networks offers energy saving solutions for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), helping them lower costs through smarter energy management. According to the reports, Buffett’s subsidiary, IES Holdings, carried out the deal along with the investors from GE Ventures to help eVolution Networks expand its operations globally and bring their product to a more diverse range of sectors.

    Providing smart energy solutions for mobile

    Moving to mobile continues to be the mantra throughout the tech world. What seems to get less buzz is the amount of energy it takes to support these massive networks and keep them running (relatively) smoothly. Founded in 2011 by CEO Roy Morad and CTO Idan Cohen, eVolution Networks is already working with industry leaders like Spanish-based communications and broadband provider Telefonica. According to eVolution Networks, the mobile network industry consumes roughly 3% of global energy usage, costing some $20 billion annually.
    “Energy costs are a huge problem for mobile operators,” said Roy Morad, CEO of eVolution Networks, in a statement. “Operators are constantly forced to expand their network to support the growing data demand from subscribers and the Internet of Things (IOT). However, the way networks are designed today doesn’t allow operators to wisely ‘right size’ their energy use according to live traffic demand. eVolution Networks’ Smart Energy Solution eliminates this problem.”
    In taking on the challenge to reduce this figure, eVolution Networks’ software offers real-time analysis of how much energy a network needs for optimal operations and can better manage the network’s resources to lower consumption. They boldly claim that they can offer mobile operators energy savings of up to 35 percent. With constantly rising energy costs, this could stack up to major savings for these companies.

    Buffett: An Israel heavy portfolio?

    Marking his fourth entrance into the Israeli market with the funding of eVolution Networks, Buffett has continued to keep observers guess as to where he will decide to invest next. Up to this point, Buffett has bought his way into a different sector of the Israeli industry with each investment. In 2006, Buffett made his first investment in a company outside of the U.S. when he bought 80% of Israeli blades maker Iscar from the industrial Wertheimer family for a reported $4 billion. Then in May of 2013, he snatched up the remaining 20% for an additional $2.05 billion.
    Soon after his first investment in Iscar, he bought 60% of Agro Logic LTD, a more than 50-year-old Netanya-based company that develops electronic management solutions in caring for livestock, and shortly after his second investment in Iscar, Buffett acquired electric connectivity components manufacturer Ray-Q Interconnect, which works closely with the defense and aerospace industries in the region.

    Taking the golden leap

    With such a wide array of investments in important sections of the Israeli market, it is interesting that this is Buffett’s first venture into Israel’s oft-touted startup scene. Moreover it is a major mark of confidence for the team at eVolution Networks as they look to grow further into other industries. As mobile continues to grow across the globe, network operators are looking for ways to cut costs, which means that demand for energy saving services can only increase. eVolution Networks’ solutions look like they could also have applications for other sectors as more of the devices we use rely on centralized networks that consume huge quantities of energy and have the potential for smarter regulation. Having built their service up from a previous investment of $4 million from Breslau Capital, the 50-member team now has the resources to spread its wings and conquer new markets.


