
News and Events

    • Bringing Light to Africa

      You don’t need a TV show to imagine how hard life is without power; all you have to do, says Israeli energy expert Yosef Abramowitz, is visit Central Africa, where some 90% of the populatio ...
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    • Clean Tech 2013 Exhibition

      CleanTech 2013 is the 17th annual international event for Clean Technologies: environmental quality, green building, renewable energy etc. The exhibition will take place at the Israel Trade ...
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    • UNGA votes on Palestine non-member status

      There is only one route to Palestinian statehood. And that route does not run through this chamber in New York. That route runs through direct negotiations between Jerusalem and Ramallah.
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    • The Partition - 65 years later

      On November 29, 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, and UNGA Resolution 181 was adopted by a vote of 33 to 13.
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    • Global Entrepreneurship Week

      The Prime Minister’s Prize was created three years ago to encourage Israeli initiative, innovative thinking, imagination and creativity that could significantly impact global society, envir ...
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