Christians and visitors celebrate Easter at Jordan baptism site 2013

Christians celebrate Easter at Jordan baptism site

    Easter ceremonies were held at the beginning of May 2013 at the Qasr al-Yehud baptism site near Jericho.
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    Christians and visitors celebrate Easter at Jordan baptism site Christians and visitors celebrate Easter at Jordan baptism site Copyright: COGAT
    (COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories)

    Easter ceremonies were held at the beginning of May 2013 at the Qasr al-Yehud baptism site near Jericho by Greek Orthodox, Syrian and Coptic communities. In addition to pilgrims, the ceremonies were attended by toursits from around the world.

    The Jericho Coordination and Liaison Administration approved the entry of 500 Christians from the Gaza Strip to Israel and Judea and Samaria for the holiday, despite the closing of the crossing points due to rocket fire towards Israel.

    This year, about 2,500 people participated in the ceremonies. While this figure is less compared to last year, this is primarily attributed to the fact that the site is now open to visitors all year round and not only for special events and ceremonies.

    The substantial tourism that the site attracts is of economic benefit to the Palestinian Authority, as following the ceremony the visitors continue touring sites in Judea and Samaria, such as Bethlehem.