Israeli reaction to comments by Tamimi at Papal interfaith meeting

Israeli reaction to comments by Tamimi at Papal interfaith meeting

    It is regrettable that Sheikh Tayssir Tamimi has abused an inter-religious meeting aimed at promoting dialogue and understanding.

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)

    It is regrettable that Sheikh Tayssir Tamimi has abused an inter-religious meeting aimed at promoting dialogue and understanding between Christians, Jews and Muslims, in order to incite against Israel.
    Minister Stas Misezhnikov, charged with the pope's visit to Israel, stated:
    "The sheikh's provocation hurt, first and foremost, Pope Benedict XVI who came to the Holy Land to promote peace and unity between the peoples of the region and all persons of faith.  Israel condemns these words of hatred uttered by the sheikh, who instead of fostering peace and coexistence chose to plant seeds of division and confrontation between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as between Jews, Muslims and Christians."
    It is a shame that the extremists were those who represented the Palestinians and the Muslims in this important event in the presence of the Holy See.

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    Papal Spokesman Father Federico Lombardi: "The intervention of Sheikh Tayssir Attamimi was not scheduled by the organizers of the meeting. In a meeting dedicated to dialogue this intervention was a direct negation of what a dialogue should be. We hope that such an incident will not damage the mission of the Pope aiming at promoting peace and also interreligious dialogue, as he has clearly affirmed in many occasions during this pilgrimage. We hope also that interreligious dialogue in the Holy Land will not be compromised by this incident."
